Males and Females

Every time I see Aug post something in a thread like this, I remember he's a greasy looking fanny pack wearing Asian and it makes me smile. I'm not sure I could take him serious if he had a gun to my head.

don't give him ideas on how to get people to take him seriously.
lol "white"... that generic all-encompassing term you people of limited experience use on anything caucasian. i bet all your "white" girls were of inferior to mediocre breeding.

i have fucked a massive spectrum of caucasians, from russians to czechs, hungarians, french, polish, finnish and more... and there are definite differences in facial structure, complexion, physique, etc.

my high-class prostitutes and your plain janes/fatties/valley girls/redneck trailer trash may all be "white" but i fuck those of clearly superior evolution.

You only fuck those you believe are of "clearly superior evolution", to make up for your own missing chromosomes.
Arg is Asian? Honestly if you have to pay for sex you've got nothing to brag about. Point blank. An attractive person is an attractive person no matter the race. Actually I think I've read somewhere people finding Brazilians to be the most attractive and they are typically mixed.

@Carpe: I get what you're saying and agree somewhat, but at the same time if I met a nice guy who liked a lot of things I find talentless and uninteresting there's a difference in personalities right there. It doesn't have to be metal but it definitely has to be something each one could respect.
Arg is Asian? Honestly if you have to pay for sex you've got nothing to brag about. Point blank. An attractive person is an attractive person no matter the race

and similarly in your own words, an attractive person is an attractive person no matter the profession.

fucking a beautiful whore is more worth bragging about than fucking an ugly to average chick you bedded through "smooth talk". the ONLY thing that matters is how hot she is, how you get it is immaterial.


that said, euro escorts cost an arm and a leg here in america... this place blows :/
that said, euro escorts cost an arm and a leg here in america... this place blows :/

this statement here is exactly the reason attractiveness is not "the ONLY thing that matters". you have a sex addiction caused by your unwillingness to fix your social anxiety.
fucking a beautiful whore is more worth bragging about than fucking an ugly to average chick you bedded through "smooth talk". the ONLY thing that matters is how hot she is, how you get it is immaterial.

You know, unless you enjoy talking with a person and sharing some kind of level of connection with them, which is something most people do a lot more than they fuck. I feel sorry for you if you find the myriad of aspects of a woman besides sex to be so worthless.
He carries a fanny pack and looks like he drinks his liquor from a paper bag. I doubt he would know about connection.
and similarly in your own words, an attractive person is an attractive person no matter the profession.

Nowhere did I deny the attractiveness of prostitutes. I was more so commenting on your "white Americans are inferior to Europeans" comment by saying that attractiveness has nothing to do with race.

To me it's nothing to brag about because those women wouldn't even look your way without you holding a dollar in your hand. That takes no real effort, anyone could go out and get themselves an Adriana Lima looking prostitute, big deal.

Edit: and needless to say, relationship implies friendship of some sort. Attractiveness is not everything. & you shouldn't wait till you're old and can't have sex anymore to quit being a snob.
lol "white"... that generic all-encompassing term you people of limited experience use on anything caucasian. i bet all your "white" girls were of inferior to mediocre breeding.

i have fucked a massive spectrum of caucasians, from russians to czechs, hungarians, french, polish, finnish and more... and there are definite differences in facial structure, complexion, physique, etc.

my high-class prostitutes and your plain janes/fatties/valley girls/redneck trailer trash may all be "white" but i fuck those of clearly superior evolution.


I hope you're checking their mtDNA haplogroups to make sure that you aren't being misled into fucking some doctored-up snow ape, though.
fucking some doctored-up snow ape

I dont have a preference when it comes to women. If I jam with a woman, I jam with a woman.

Ive dated black, white, asian, italian, filipino, thai, indian...Metalhead, stripper, vegan, hippie, crusty, burner, hipster...Bigger and smaller. I dont give a fuck. If Im attracted to you Im attracted to you.

Metal and darker things are just an added bonus, not a requirement.

Fucking .

And holy fucking shit. Aug, you are fucking philosopher and a scholar. Never change.
Nowhere did I deny the attractiveness of prostitutes. I was more so commenting on your "white Americans are inferior to Europeans" comment by saying that attractiveness has nothing to do with race.

lol... it has a LOT to do with race... you're certainly gonna find more attractive women in Sweden than Niger as an extreme example.
ok a less extreme example... in the czech republic i found 1 in 10 females very attractive. in los angeles i find 1 in 100 females only moderately attractive; the vast majority are mexicans with moustaches and if they're white they're fat and have pig-like visages. THIS IS NOT OPINION LADIES AND GENTLEMEN IT'S A FACT
arg, if you ever accidentally knocked up some pure Aryan whore and she chose to not abort, would you kill yourself knowing the shame that you brought the world by introducing a disgusting half-breed?