So, friend's roommate's ex-girl has been flirting with me on OKC. Yet, she identifies more as a lesbian these days than straight (I believe, on some "gayness" scale, she said she was about a 7/10 or something retarded). She's also a super huge hippie and stuff, which is clearly not what I'm really into, but if she's just looking to get stuffed, I'd be all for that. She's pretty fucking cute and attractive in that regard.
Anyways, I'm debating whether or not I should ask her out for drinks, but I'm worried that her ex (who she still currently lives with) might not be too happy with that, but then again, he's just as big of a hippie as she is. Also, I'm not even sure she's interested, but the way we've been chatting makes it seem like she is so.
tl;dr: friend's 70% lesbo might want to bang me. Yay or nay?