Males and Females

He wasn't even wealthy. He had a working mom that tried to meet his material demands and a dad in massive debt. The whole situation is terrible, but yay for the wave of incoming politicization.

No they weren't wealthy (at least anymore), but they had a lot of connections to it. When I was reading the manuscript, I sorta stopped and ranted here. Either way, what I was trying to say holds little bearing to the fact if he was wealthy or not. His economic situation wasn't terrible as it seems pretty much similar to most Americans.

Also, the reason why I'm not chalking it up to a mental disability is due to articles (and forums) like this:

which is basically a summary of another article that states Elliot's murderous rampage would've been avoided if he had "game." Then they conclude that more people will die unless society provides men with more sexual options. :lol:

I don't see this kind of thinking as purely a mental disability. It's entitlement. I'm sure if someone here went on a killing spree then one of us send their writings to the news they'd call it a mental disability too. For fucks sake I've written some really questionable shit too that can be chalked up to having a mental disability. It's a lot deeper than that, imo. And honestly i think Baroque really had something when he stated he that Elliot was spoiled. The dude drove a BMW and wore designer clothing while his parents were in debt? Come on now...
I can't find any links to it now but there was a shooting at a yoga class by some 50 year old virgin type a few years ago, for similar "reasons".

Anyway arg, I can't find the post now, but didn't you quite literally whine about becoming broken when an asian girl you liked in school ignored you and went for a black guy and that the only way you could rectify this injustice was to have sex with "aryan" blonde prostitutes?
I finished reading it. Well I started when he was turning 20 or sometime around. The lottery phase was pretty desperate already. Also, regarding whores, he mentions there that buying a whore wouldn't make him feel better because in the end he would be the one who has to pay for it while others can have it for free. The funniest thing is that he calls himself "refused" in the end yet he has never asked a girl out.
I finished reading it. Well I started when he was turning 20 or sometime around. The lottery phase was pretty desperate already. Also, regarding whores, he mentions there that buying a whore wouldn't make him feel better because in the end he would be the one who has to pay for it while others can have it for free. The funniest thing is that he calls himself "refused" in the end yet he has never asked a girl out.

i wouldve been able to convince him otherwise. he'd be resistant at first but after actually fucking some he'd see them as a viable option.

Anyway arg, I can't find the post now, but didn't you quite literally whine about becoming broken when an asian girl you liked in school ignored you and went for a black guy and that the only way you could rectify this injustice was to have sex with "aryan" blonde prostitutes?

you have a great memory, that's exactly what happened! see i was in a similar boat as this guy and hookers saved me!
In a financial sense? I've never heard that term used in a different context.

It doesn't have to be used strictly in a financial sense.

moral hazard is a situation where a party will have a tendency to take risks because the costs that could result will not be felt by the party taking the risk.

Gain vs cost/risk does not have to be strictly monetary. If I can achieve some sort of gain (whether material or psychological) by being an asshole, without the risk of social backlash because "oh poor thing, it's not his/her/its fault", this would encourage antisocial behavior.
I hate this shit. Why oh why America, can't we be held responsible for our actions?

I didn't say he wasn't, just that culture influences us.

I think his sense of worthlessness could have been derived from his failure to meet up to ideals from pop culture, but his choice to kill over it was all him. Is that better?
Operation Hot Mother: Been talking to cute momma who is my age for a while now. She initially said no when I asked her out because we "didn't have much in common" but now that we are chatting, she's seen that we have a lot in common. The interesting thing is, is that, during the school semester, she doesn't live with her child. Her mother watches over him, which I find fascinating. Glad that she's not looking for a baby daddy or anything stupid like that.

But yeah, Operation Hot Mother is still a go, just got a message from her for the first time in a while. I was happy.
^Have fun but don't go in too deep is my advice. If you get too attached you might end up being the baby's acting daddy eventually. Happened to my brother.

'Baby daddy' refers to the baby's biological daddy I thought.
^At the same time, that could end it if you flat out say that the wrong way. If confronted a mother will choose what's best for her child over the new guy every time. It's a fine line you have to walk.
i wouldve been able to convince him otherwise. he'd be resistant at first but after actually fucking some he'd see them as a viable option.

First of all, you're asian (filthy scum). Secondly, if you told him about the amount of blonde girls you have fucked, no Starbucks would have enough coffee for him to throw in your face. He was obsessed with being a brilliant gentleman. Going to a whorehouse with an Asian guy is the opposite of what he had in mind as being whatever that thing meant.

You always present fucking whores as some world-changing holy grail, but I don't think majority holds the same high opinion of it. For me it's just another service that I don't use.

EDIT: I like the whores you post pictures of though. You really have high standards and good taste brother. (y)
I fucked a legal prostitute once just to try it out. Hot asian chick near Vegas. I had been fucking girlfriends for years before that happened though, so it was far less meaningful. Seemed like a waste of money really, I didn't get off, it just seemed too transactionary. I'd rather do it with a willing woman. If I was alone on a road trip through Nevada I'd try it again though.

[EDIT] Actually come to think of it I went to an asian 'massage' parlor in California once too. That was fun.
Are there any guys here that find themselves inexplicably drawn towards Asian women? I feel myself slowly transforming into the creepy balding white guy stereotype wrt attraction preferences. It probably helps that the only women in college I've ever thought were likely interested in me were Asian.
Personally I can't stand asian women lol. I went to asian prostitutes because I was trying to sample 1 woman of each race, and I didn't want to date an asian (had some bad experiences).

I prefer black or white women. I really love black women the most probably. My first sex partner was a black woman, go figure. Everyone has different preferences though I guess.
I think my ideal is a brunette, green eyed, white woman, but in real life, aside from the ideal, plenty of other types of woman are attractive, in person at least, but I don't fantasize about them much.
First of all, you're asian (filthy scum). Secondly, if you told him about the amount of blonde girls you have fucked, no Starbucks would have enough coffee for him to throw in your face. He was obsessed with being a brilliant gentleman. Going to a whorehouse with an Asian guy is the opposite of what he had in mind as being whatever that thing meant.
lmao he did have a fixation on throwing his drink at people xd. naw man id be his buddy, the pussy providing bro he never had

You always present fucking whores as some world-changing holy grail, but I don't think majority holds the same high opinion of it. For me it's just another service that I don't use.
-they knock it before they try it
-or theyve had ugly/mediocre ones
EDIT: I like the whores you post pictures of though. You really have high standards and good taste brother. (y)
thanks and sorry i havent posted any for a long ass time but i live in this shithole now. maybe next time i go to canada
Isn't fucking whores not very pleasurable? The boyfriend's stepdad use to and he said they always had really huge/lose vaginas. He was really gross and had questionable standards, though.