Males and Females

Divide by two, add seven is a good rule for men who want to date younger women. It doesn't apply to much else. I'm 28, so 42 should be the highest I go and 21 the youngest. Would clearly bang above or below those numbers if the situation was right. 21 is the lowest I would go for dating, but the highest is realistically about 33, and I'd have reservations going above 30 or so.
Well if 7 year old girls can get pregnant then even pedophilia is a shitty contraception and I guess it's something they all have in common. Nature just wants to BREED. LIKE. RATS.

One of my problems is that I'm kind of borderline on the class line and that isn't socially acceptable here.
He's such a whiner, even compared to me. Why the fuck do blonde women owe him sex? because he's nice? did he even google "nice guys", ever? it might have saved lives.
Actually that's not necessarily true. The Night Stalker dude that was killing people in the Valley got a whole bunch of admirers and even got married to some fan girl while in jail.
So I've been reading his rant (which is like 100 pages long) and came upon this:

"Not one girl offered to help me as I stumbled home with a broken leg, beaten and bloody. If girls had been attracted to me, they would have offered to walk me to my room and take care of me. They would have even offered to sleep with me to make me feel better. But no, not one girl showed an ounce of concern for me."

It's amazing to me how many self proclaimed "nice guys" think exactly like Elliot Rodger. The sense of entitlement pisses me off more than anything in this world. Misogyny is disgusting. He wasn't diagnosed with any mental illness, so I am not claiming his actions were a result of such. & nowhere on the DSM-V does it say misogyny is a prerequisite. He's a scumbag, to be honest, who felt entitled to pussy because he was a wealthy male. :/
He wasn't even wealthy. He had a working mom that tried to meet his material demands and a dad in massive debt. The whole situation is terrible, but yay for the wave of incoming politicization.
It's amazing to me how many self proclaimed "nice guys" think exactly like Elliot Rodger. The sense of entitlement pisses me off more than anything in this world. Misogyny is disgusting. He wasn't diagnosed with any mental illness, so I am not claiming his actions were a result of such. & nowhere on the DSM-V does it say misogyny is a prerequisite. He's a scumbag, to be honest, who felt entitled to pussy because he was a wealthy male. :/
How common do you actually think this is? Let's arbitrarily select men between 18-29 for this estimate and hope that as they get older than that they have more realistic ideas about how the world works.

Personally, I don't get the entitlement thing and feel like a lot of women unfairly ascribe it to men who complain about their situations with women. (With situations like Rodger clearly not being that.) I think a lot of these men are likely to internalize their failings (perceived or real) into self-loathing and feel the opposite of entitlement. It's difficult for a reasonably adjusted male to feel any entitlement in a culture where where women have way more sexual agency.

Either way, shitbags like Rodger just make it worse for everyone. I would be very hesitant to use the lack of a medical diagnosis to mean that he was simply an asshole. I won't make a diagnosis, but I think it's dangerous to think that people like him don't need real therapy and medication and were just a-holes.
He was supposed to have Aspergers and people at the far end of the spectrum really can't deal with human interaction very well at all.