Males and Females

his "manifesto" is so strikingly similar to SS's rants it's scary
My two housemates were nice, but they kept inviting over this friend of theirs named Chance. He was black boy who came over all the time, and I hated his cocksure attitude. Inevitably, a vile incident occurred between me and him. I was eating a meal in the kitchen when he came over and started bragging to my housemates about his success with girls.
I couldn’t stand it, so I proceeded to ask
them all if they were virgins. They all looked at me weirdly and said that they had lost their virginity long ago. I felt so inferior, as it reminded me of how much I have missed out in life. And then this black boy named Chance said that he lost his virginity when he was only thirteen! In addition, he said that the girl he lost his virginity to was a blonde white girl! I was so enraged that I almost splashed him with my orange juice. I indignantly told him that I did not believe him, and then I went to my room to cry. I cried and cried and cried, and then I called my mother and cried to her on the phone. How could an inferior, ugly black boy be able to get a white girl and not me? I am beautiful, and I am half white myself. I am descended from British aristocracy.
is descended from slaves. I deserve it more. I tried not to believe his foul words, but they were already said, and it was hard to erase from my mind. If this is actually true, if this ugly black filth was able to have sex with a blonde white girl at the age
of thirteen while I’ve had to suffer virginity all my life, then this just proves how ridiculous the female
gender is. They would give themselves to this filthy scum, but they reject
ME? The injustice!

what puzzles me is why he never thought of hookers
He mentions it somewhere. He says that he's not only interested in sex, and that to resort to prostitution would be demeaning and unfitting a man as beautiful as him.
Reading the excerpts.. I think this was partially a parenting issue.. It's like he never had to take personal responsibility for anything. And it's like he cried and got whatever he wanted from his parents. Like he was always told he was beautiful and perfect so he would stop crying, until he actually believed that he was.

Did he have a father figure? Dude needed some serious toughening up. My parents would tell me to suck it up. They'd tell me the reality of things and even if I didn't listen to them, at least I heard it and found out they were right the hard way.

It sounds like his parents were enabling his fantasy land.

He would have found some pussy eventually, if he could overcome being trained to be all whiny like that. Also his standards were probably way too high. And it didn't help for him to have these long rants and entitlement issues... Who finds all that attractive?

His dad or mom needed to slap him and tell him to suck it up and walk it off at some point in his life. Tell him it's his own damn fault and change needs to come from within.
I'm fucking hammered, so excuse the incoherence.

Everything I've been reading about this has been framing the root of the issue in terms of absolutes. It's either purely a mental health issue, or it's all due to rape culture. From a purely speculative, bullshit standpoint, it's probably a mix of the two. I read through most of his "manifesto", and he comes off as a textbook narcissist with clear cognitive issues (not to mention his seeing multiple therapists and previous confrontations with women in the past), but to completely ignore the underlying cultural symptoms that make sex with a female some sort of reciprocal item of transaction in accordance with material possessions and the like is a bit of a misstep.

Reading through his diatribe reveals an interesting paradoxical sort of self-deifying mixed with intense self-loathing. He goes on about how supreme he is in terms of outward cosmetics and the luxurious items he proudly flaunts, but subtly hints at hating himself with his inability to transform these idealized status symbols into the tangible conquest of sex with a pretty Aryan woman.

It's all kinds of fucked and the reasons for this are manifold. I think the one thing we can all agree on is the fact that he was a total fucking asshole.
His dad or mom needed to slap him and tell him to suck it up and walk it off at some point in his life. Tell him it's his own damn fault and change needs to come from within.

Yeah, because perpetuating the stoic aggressive hypermasucline culture in which men just have to "suck it up" that causes these kind of things is EXACTLY what parents need to do.
Being told to fucking get over yourself does not lead to killing a bunch of people. Some psycho kills a bunch of people then himself. Everyone wants to be sympathetic towards the goddamn gunman. Rot in the ground you piece of scum.

Why can't people just end their miserable existence and not take people with them? The fact that we glorify these people enables them to do it. They know their "story" will get out there after theyre gone... Where in reality you were just some miserable cunt like the rest of us. Good riddance.
Yeah, because perpetuating the stoic aggressive hypermasucline culture in which men just have to "suck it up" that causes these kind of things is EXACTLY what parents need to do.

What is aggressive or hypermasculine about it? It's the damn truth. In life sometimes you have to suck it up male or female. You think it was ok to let him be a whiny bitch all his life? How well adjusted was this young man to society?

In the real world, almost no one cares about anyone. His parents were hypersympathetic to his needs, leading him to believe the world should be hypersympathetic to him. The world didn't give a damn about him. He failed to make the transition from childhood to adulthood. That is very much on the parenting style in my opinion..

if you want to defend this asshole who murdered people feel free though, it should be fun to watch.
From wikipedia but whatever:

Spoiling in early childhood tends to create characteristic reactions that persist, fixed, into later life. These can cause significant social problems. Spoiled children may have difficulty coping with situations such as teachers scolding them or refusing to grant extensions on homework assignments, playmates refusing to allow them to play with their toys and playmates refusing playdates with them, a loss in friends, failure in employment, and failure with personal relationships. As adults, spoiled children may experience problems with anger management, professionalism, and personal relationships; a link with adult psychopathy has been observed.

He was spoiled well beyond his parent's means throughout his life, which led to adult psychopathy.

In his book The Mask of Sanity, Hervey Cleckley described 16 (originally 21 in the first edition) "common qualities" he thought were characteristic of the individuals he termed psychopaths:

Superficial charm and good "intelligence"
Absence of delusions and other signs of irrational thinking
Absence of "nervousness" or psychoneurotic manifestations
Untruthfulness and insincerity
Lack of remorse and shame
Inadequately motivated antisocial behavior
Poor judgment and failure to learn by experience
Pathologic egocentricity and incapacity for love
General poverty in major affective reactions
Specific loss of insight
Unresponsiveness in general interpersonal relations
Fantastic and uninviting behavior with drink and sometimes without
Suicide threats rarely carried out
Sex life impersonal, trivial, and poorly integrated
Failure to follow any life plan.

He definitely had at least a few of those qualities from his writing.
I enjoyed his car video. It's funny that this douchebag even had a car and shit. He could've had many girls already if he wasn't a giant douche.

I might read his manifesto later. Although I might as well just read JAGE posts on here from what I've gathered from the excerpts.
I partially blame the idolization of sex in American culture. We pretty much have a nationwide case of putting the pussy on a pedestal.
I partially blame the idolization of sex in American culture. We pretty much have a nationwide case of putting the pussy on a pedestal.

I kinda think that when people really want pussy then they work harder to get it and they eventually will. This guy just felt different / wrong for not getting it.
I might read his manifesto later. Although I might as well just read JAGE posts on here from what I've gathered from the excerpts.
the writing would be decent if only he didnt repeat the same shit over and over.

this guy spent tons of money on lottery tickets, designer clothes and guns. if he had used a fraction of that on hookers this wouldnt have happened.

he did not have a ''mentor'' for this like i did (my dad's chauffeur who took me to a whorehouse at 18 which changed my life). if i knew him i wouldve helped him. prostitutes should be more readily available but this is backwards america that glamorizes sex but outlaws buying it.
I kinda think that when people really want pussy then they work harder to get it and they eventually will. This guy just felt different / wrong for not getting it.

I think at least part of why he felt wrong is because society treats it like a prize, an achievement, and a measure of a person's worth.
the writing would be decent if only he didnt repeat the same shit over and over.

this guy spent tons of money on lottery tickets, designer clothes and guns. if he had used a fraction of that on hookers this wouldnt have happened.

he did not have a ''mentor'' for this like i did (my dad's chauffeur who took me to a whorehouse at 18 which changed my life). if i knew him i wouldve helped him. prostitutes should be more readily available but this is backwards america that glamorizes sex but outlaws buying it.

Aug do you also think he should be assigned whores by the psychiatrists?

EDIT: Because you make it sound like whores would be the cure for his problems.
The kid believed the world owed him whatever it is that he wanted. Baroque and Onder touched on this. Spoiled both as a child and then as a young adult by his parents, he not only didn't know how to handle "no", he also couldn't fathom actually having to work for something that didn't fall in his lap. No, it isn't fucking "fair" that some people are born into more money, some people will more easily have at least physical relationships with others, etc. Welcome to life, suck it up and go to work to change your position. Or you can go kill people. Having Aspergers probably explains some of the difficulty in relating to people, but that only compounded the damage done by spoiling/broken home (and aren't those two so often related in wannabe middle class America).

Despite the infinite amount of reasons for "why", he still killed in cold blood, and that erases any feels one might have had for the guy. Why can't these murder/suicide cases just stick with suicide?

Edit: Arg, if he had found a whore he fancied, he probably would have killed her if she kept charging him/kept fucking others for money. Why would you wish that on your precious prostitutes?

He was awkward as fuck:

"I wished I had the courage to go up to them and ask one on a date, but they would have seen me as a creep."
"I’ve wanted to be like them all my life, ever since elementary school, but they never accepted me."
- (People who he has never approached)

He was racist as fuck, for some reason:

"How could an inferior, ugly black boy be able to get a white girl and not me?"
"if this ugly black filth was able to have sex with a blonde white girl at the age of thirteen while I’ve had to suffer virginity all my life, then this just proves how ridiculous the female gender is. They would give themselves to this filthy scum, but they reject ME? The injustice!"

"How could an inferior Mexican guy be able to date a white blonde girl, while I was still suffering as a lonely virgin?"

He is at times very JAGEy. This is a great example:

"Females truly have something mentally wrong with them. Their minds are flawed, and at this point in my life I was beginning to see it."

The funniest parts show him having a high opinion of his appearance and thinking that should be enough for girls to have sex with him, while he doesn't even start a conversation with anybody. :lol:

"I was sure I had an attractive appearance that day, but those girls didn’t seem to notice it."


Jesus. "They deserve it. The males deserve it for taking the females away from me, and the females deserve it for choosing those males instead of me."

"I walked over to the center of Isla Vista every day and sat at one of the tables outside Domino’s Pizza, hoping against hope that a girl would come up and talk to me. Why wouldn’t they? I looked good enough, didn’t I?"

He thought girls would come to him and hit on him or what? "Why wouldn't they"? What an obnoxious fucking moron.