Males and Females

thats why you get the ones just starting and its a constantly renewing supply
Isn't fucking whores not very pleasurable? The boyfriend's stepdad use to and he said they always had really huge/lose vaginas. He was really gross and had questionable standards, though.

This isn't really how vaginas work. Those things can spit out a baby and still function, your dick isn't going to do any lasting damage. Some women have looser vaginas, some have tighter ones and it doesn't have anything to do with mileage.
This isn't really how vaginas work. Those things can spit out a baby and still function, your dick isn't going to do any lasting damage. Some women have looser vaginas, some have tighter ones and it doesn't have anything to do with mileage.

I'm afraid this is true folks. The vagina looseness is a trait with a very high heritability, it's almost as if it was a qualitative trait - hardly even affected by the environs.

EDIT: Same as the labia size isn't measured with the miles of dick that have come through.
In that case then there must have been few historical periods when men had massively overwhelming sexual-political power in terms of being the one who selects a mate, or all of the loose women wouldn't have passed on their genes easily. Like, one fuck, eww she's loose, one fuck, ohhs she's tight AND beautiful, great I'll keep her in this cave and bring back dinners.
I was just watching that kind of porn where the guy finds a random girl on the street and gives her money to fuck. In czech too. It's all kinds of realistic and the girls are kind of awkward with it which I'm beginning to dig.
It is a journey full of trials and errors. But you will emerge with so much lust that eye contact with an old lady will set the more primitive areas of your brain into overdrive.
I was just watching that kind of porn where the guy finds a random girl on the street and gives her money to fuck. In czech too. It's all kinds of realistic and the girls are kind of awkward with it which I'm beginning to dig.

I have one of those favorited (Czech). She pretends to squirt but is really just peeing, but that's kinda hot too idk.

Tinder seems like a lot of fun. My roommate uses it to find chicks. No good dudes on there in our area.
After listening to hours of Tinder stories at a party last night I finally signed up too. Apparently it's mostly people that are down to fuck. Sure seems like it too after scrolling through a bunch of profiles. But i wouldn't doubt for a second that Mathias is right, almost seems too good to be true.