Males and Females

How do you think he'd respond to "look I know it's just an arbitrary date but I would like if you acknowledged it by doing something nice?"

He would totally be understanding then forget within a day or so what we've talked about. He kinda has motivation issues sometimes but I'm thinking if I do the planning for our dates for awhile it'll help him to want to do them in the future. I like hanging around in my room or whatever but to me it's not really a "date" if we just happen to be home at the same time. Don't need anything fancy just something semi-thoughtful.

Neph: oh that totally made it popular but everyone says it's such a great show. It's always sold out and the tickets are crazy expensive so I sure hope it is.
I'm pretty sure I won tickets for a local jazz show that's happening on my girls birthday. I will love it, she will likely find it boring though.
Somehow the more bald and ugly I get, the more I consider attempting to find someone to have sex with. I just got back from a week long family vacation, which meant I didn't have much opportunity for fapping time. During a brief window in which I could fap to Brazillian Butt Lift infomercials in the hotel, however, I realized that I found all of the "before" images completely acceptable by my standards. I'm usually not one to check out people in public, but when hiking I completely abandoned any sense of morality as I enjoyed beautiful views of women in tight shorts and gym bras over the rest of the scenery. I need to have my balls removed.

EDIT: Like seriously, I look like a skinny Alex Jones now with my fucking hair and facial structure. I need to either take arg's advice or just die.
Kafkax, there's a lottery you can enter and win to get cheaper seats (think they are like $30) only thing is you gotta be there bright and early (like 4 hours before the show) to apply for it; and if you lose i think you can only get standing room tickets (which are about $30 as well) and the show runs about 2h30mins. Idc though, totally with it. Beats paying $200+

Burgerboy: Definitely check out those apps. And to boost your confidence have you tried going to a salon and getting a haircut that suits you more? Sometimes all it takes is just a fresh hair cut to bring out facial features.
A lot of the realization was in that I just had a haircut, "short" on the Flowbee which is a little under an inch. The longer I go, the more I get a drooping bit of hair down the center of my head as the sides recede, and I really don't want to go the buzzcut/bald route b/c I'm not a badass. I'm considering transplants tbh. It's ridiculous that my beautiful blonde hair is already disappearing.
I've always been attracted to women, but I also find pensies sexually attractive and find certain kinds of men (mostly youthful boyish types that vaguely resemble me circa 18-20) attractive. My only sexual encounters have been with a man mostly due to a combination of excess alcohol, hesitancy to say no, and willingness to experiment due to my otherwise incredibly dull and pathetic life. I still hang out with the guy that gave me a partial blowjob while I was blackout-drunk, and just a few weeks ago I masturbated to hetero porn (an Abella Anderson for those curious) in front of him as what was basically recompense for free dinner, liquor, and a show. I don't find him remotely attractive, but I have to admit that I feel a much greater desire to engage in sexual activities, especially since the release in the midst of reservations made it particularly satisfying (my first shot reached my left bicep which I think was a new record for me, in fact). Once I got home, however, I jerked it several times, and only to the thoughts of women (and not because I felt a need to cleanse myself either or anything, I was just extremely turned on and this recent high is still going on for me). Ultimately I guess that I don't place extremely high value in the common labels of sexualities, and under the right circumstances could see myself adopting many different sexual configurations, but when it comes to sheer attraction, I definitely prefer women.
Alright, well, I hope you can get your sex life on track. You sound like you have a lot of stuff to work through. I know how that can be.
That early video (two videos?) of her just in bed with a boyfriend or whatever is fucking amazing, the one with the red bed covers where she spends a goodly portion riding him. Her voice alone I mean fuck. 10/10 porno right there, shot off to it at least a few dozen times. The one where she's in a vacation apartment or something is almost as good. It's unfortunate that once she got noticed she's been doing more gross hardercore stuff.
Went out with a 38 year old who looked 28 last night. Regardless the bitch is 38, which means in 5-10 years she'll be melting like Arnold in total recall. She was basically trying to tease me and be sexy with her stale cracker jack box with no prize. Nice person but if you want to develop a relationship with a younger man you better throw that box on the floor, roll those old panties down asap. And be a 2 dollar whore in the bedroom; then we can talk, be human and possibly pursue something. Old broads trying to be mysterious make me sick.
Went out with a 38 year old who looked 28 last night. Regardless the bitch is 38, which means in 5-10 years she'll be melting like Arnold in total recall. She was basically trying to tease me and be sexy with her stale cracker jack box with no prize. Nice person but if you want to develop a relationship with a younger man you better throw that box on the floor, roll those old panties down asap. And be a 2 dollar whore in the bedroom; then we can talk, be human and possibly pursue something. Old broads trying to be mysterious make me sick.

Or you could treat her as a person being to begin with ...