Males and Females

Went out with a 38 year old who looked 28 last night. Regardless the bitch is 38, which means in 5-10 years she'll be melting like Arnold in total recall. She was basically trying to tease me and be sexy with her stale cracker jack box with no prize. Nice person but if you want to develop a relationship with a younger man you better throw that box on the floor, roll those old panties down asap. And be a 2 dollar whore in the bedroom; then we can talk, be human and possibly pursue something. Old broads trying to be mysterious make me sick.

This is gold. :lol:
Went out with a 38 year old who looked 28 last night. Regardless the bitch is 38, which means in 5-10 years she'll be melting like Arnold in total recall. She was basically trying to tease me and be sexy with her stale cracker jack box with no prize. Nice person but if you want to develop a relationship with a younger man you better throw that box on the floor, roll those old panties down asap. And be a 2 dollar whore in the bedroom; then we can talk, be human and possibly pursue something. Old broads trying to be mysterious make me sick.
You trying to have kids or something Jimmy? Because I'm like no kids possible = bonus. Especially if she looks younger. Never been with a woman that old (at least not that I know of) but I don't see that specific thing as a downside.
Nah dude. All I want is some pussy and she wants my time (not to mention charm, humor, chivalry, my wallet etc). There is only a certain amount of my time she's going to get (especially for her age), which is about 3-5 dates, after that she's raping my time.

and if you dont see the difference between 23 year old pussy (the body, skin etc) and 38 I don't know what to tell ya.
Always nice when you have sex with a girl and have to wash the sheets the next day because you made her cum really hard and make a mess.

PLOT TWIST: she just peed to make you feel good about yourself while totally not enjoying it at all and just going through the motions.

How is peeing during sex enjoyable by any measure? If I have to pee during sex, I can't get off and instead call for an intermission to use the can.