Males and Females

Or neither because clear piss is still piss

Yes, but it's cleaner piss. Piss turns yellow when there's too much hemoglobin from dead blood cells (or something along those line) for the liver to break down. There's many more chemicals in yellow piss than there is in clear piss, which is essentially warm water.
I always piss after I jack off. By the time I'm done, I'll usually have to piss no matter what, but I've noticed that it also kind of cleans the urethra, which helps keeping me from oozing jizz out of my dick and getting it all over my underwear.

How quickly after ejaculation are you able to pee? For me, my dick doesn't ooze for very long (assuming I give it a few squeezes shortly after the fact), but it takes me at least a good ten minutes until I can pee again.
Yes, but it's cleaner piss. Piss turns yellow when there's too much hemoglobin from dead blood cells (or something along those line) for the liver to break down. There's many more chemicals in yellow piss than there is in clear piss, which is essentially warm water.

Fair enough, but it would still be weird to me
How quickly after ejaculation are you able to pee? For me, my dick doesn't ooze for very long (assuming I give it a few squeezes shortly after the fact), but it takes me at least a good ten minutes until I can pee again.

Almost instantly. I clean up for about a minute and then I go take a piss. Routine.

If I pee after jerking it, I usually have to sit down, because it'll branch off into 3 directions, and I'm not a big fan of the piss-on-the-wall look in my bathroom.

Far from glorious, in other words.

Yeah I do that too sometimes. If I'm at home, fuck it, I'll sit my fat ass down. I DO WHAT I WANT *SNAP*
I guess I forget that people that socialize with other people have higher standards of hygiene. Cleaning up immediately after cumming is unfathomable to me; I like to slowly ease off and let my cock down gently, and stew in my seminal fluids until they're too soaked-in/dry to wipe up. Then maybe I'll take a pee.

EDIT: One thing that worries me in amateur porn is when after the guy cums, even if it's just on the back or butt, he immediately gets a paper towel/toilet paper and wipes up. Maybe I'd think otherwise if I wasn't a virgin, but I would think laying on top or vice versa together for thirty minutes until stuck to my partner would be pretty amazing. Is that about on par with watersports or worse in terms of grossness? I don't know how these things work.
EDIT: One thing that worries me in amateur porn is when after the guy cums, even if it's just on the back or butt, he immediately gets a paper towel/toilet paper and wipes up. Maybe I'd think otherwise if I wasn't a virgin, but I would think laying on top or vice versa together for thirty minutes until stuck to my partner would be pretty amazing. Is that about on par with watersports or worse in terms of grossness? I don't know how these things work.

I guess I forget that people that socialize with other people have higher standards of hygiene. Cleaning up immediately after cumming is unfathomable to me; I like to slowly ease off and let my cock down gently, and stew in my seminal fluids until they're too soaked-in/dry to wipe up. Then maybe I'll take a pee.

I don't socialize or have hygiene standards, and I still don't like to sit in my cum. I can't even remember the last shower I took, but I'll definitely take one tonight.
I guess I forget that people that socialize with other people have higher standards of hygiene. Cleaning up immediately after cumming is unfathomable to me; I like to slowly ease off and let my cock down gently, and stew in my seminal fluids until they're too soaked-in/dry to wipe up. Then maybe I'll take a pee.


This is coming from the guy who couldn't wrap his head around having sex with a woman on her period.

One thing that worries me in amateur porn is when after the guy cums, even if it's just on the back or butt, he immediately gets a paper towel/toilet paper and wipes up. Maybe I'd think otherwise if I wasn't a virgin, but I would think laying on top or vice versa together for thirty minutes until stuck to my partner would be pretty amazing. Is that about on par with watersports or worse in terms of grossness? I don't know how these things work.

Other than the obvious pregnancy risks, there's the matter of obvious pregnancy risks and also unwanted children to consider.
Other than the obvious pregnancy risks, there's the matter of obvious pregnancy risks and also unwanted children to consider.

Well that's obviously not the fucking reason. :rolleyes: They do creampies in porn and other shit. He was talking about their bodies sticking together but he doesn't realize that people don't want to lay down in their cum. That's why people laugh at it, you social brick.

This is coming from the guy who couldn't wrap his head around having sex with a woman on her period.

Other than the obvious pregnancy risks, there's the matter of obvious pregnancy risks and also unwanted children to consider.

I think you're confusing me with someone else regarding periods. I was homeschooled and never had sex ed. I don't believe that periods are even a real physical phenomenon, just something women pretend to have to get away with a lot.

Pregnancy risks, wat?

EDIT: Oh, this post.

That wasn't exactly what I meant. tbh it's not even the blood as much as it is reading about the sloughing off of dead uterine tissue and shit. I had a traumatic internet porn experience when I was ~10 and the descriptions remind me of that.
Well that's obviously not the fucking reason. :rolleyes: They do creampies in porn and other shit. He was talking about their bodies sticking together but he doesn't realize that people don't want to lay down in their cum. That's why people laugh at it, you social brick.

I'm not saying it has to be a regular thing, but you know, something to experiment with, even if just once? Maybe my cum is just particularly fragrant and appealing to me. I mean, does basically everyone quickly get ready for clean-up after sex? Like, dude cums on her, wipes her off, they bother rinse their genitals to prevent any additional stickiness, and then they cuddle? It seems so prudish.
Had plans to chill with a girl yesterday but she didn't show and I shot her a text and nothing. I'll ask if something came up tomorrow and then let it go from there. I just don't get why it's so hard to just say you can't come or don't want to come. Any withheld communication is worse than non-preferable communication in my book.