Males and Females

Had plans to chill with a girl yesterday but she didn't show and I shot her a text and nothing. I'll ask if something came up tomorrow and then let it go from there. I just don't get why it's so hard to just say you can't come or don't want to come. Any withheld communication is worse than non-preferable communication in my book.

No no no this is probably part of the reason she stood you up. Stop being so available. Try showing her you don't give a shit for a change man

it's because of feminism

:lol: fuckin' guy
Oh fuck women. You can't care about confidence, the feeling of sexual empowerment and a supposed mystical right to defy rationality and logic to the extent that women do, and still be an actual person.
Oh fuck women. You can't care about confidence, the feeling of sexual empowerment and a supposed mystical right to defy rationality and logic to the extent that women do, and still be an actual person.

Your understanding of women in purely sexual terms is a big part of the problem.
Definitely. When do we hold nominations and elections for Master of Misogyny, President of Patriarchy, Viscount of Vulva, and Sultan of the Suffragettes?

You magnificent bastard.

Things are going splendidly with the ladyfriend. This above conversation has reminded me how lucky I am to be with someone that doesn't have to worry about that at all. Probably the single positive thing about cancer.
Yeah. Weird situation. I'm 22, girlfriend is 43, and has breast cancer. It ravaged her reproductive system, so contraceptive measures have never been an issue; we joke about it regularly.
Is her cancer in remission? I guess if she's feeling good enough for porking she's probably doing OK.

Cancer sucks. I'm playing violin at PP's stepdad's funeral on Saturday. He quit smoking 20 years ago and died of lung cancer at age 56.

HamburgerBoy, I don't find the idea of being stuck together with semen to be arousing or even similar to watersports. It's more akin to how Japanese porn actresses always play with semen at the end of scenes.
Aww, sorry to hear that, Laura. Best of luck with the performance.

I actually know very little of her condition. I want to say that she said it's stage 4, but you would never know it by how spry she is. But yeah, her libido is insane. If we spend an entire day together, at least 3 hours is devoted to naked things.
No no no this is probably part of the reason she stood you up. Stop being so available. Try showing her you don't give a shit for a change man

If I have to act like that, I'm not going to bother. It doesn't matter if it's platonic or romantic.
@Vimana, I think you should learn how to conserve yourself and stop giving yourself away so easily. There is such a thing as exposing and spending your virtues into a vice.

Maybe that's too much and quite possibly I'm completely wrong. Just consider it.
I'm not saying it has to be a regular thing, but you know, something to experiment with, even if just once? Maybe my cum is just particularly fragrant and appealing to me. I mean, does basically everyone quickly get ready for clean-up after sex? Like, dude cums on her, wipes her off, they bother rinse their genitals to prevent any additional stickiness, and then they cuddle? It seems so prudish.

This is the usual approach, ideally followed by a shower. This is because sex fucking reeks. You do not want to smell old stanky sex smells once you're not actively having sex anymore.

Sometimes, though, it's fun to just bust off all over someone and then leave it.
I'm not saying it has to be a regular thing, but you know, something to experiment with, even if just once? Maybe my cum is just particularly fragrant and appealing to me. I mean, does basically everyone quickly get ready for clean-up after sex? Like, dude cums on her, wipes her off, they bother rinse their genitals to prevent any additional stickiness, and then they cuddle? It seems so prudish.

Usually after I have sex we wipe off with a dirty shirt or something from my laundry basket. I'm the same way after jacking off I wrap something around it and just let it soak in while I fall asleep. But for sex it's different for some reason. I guess it feels weird to cuddle in a pile of cold wetness (it turns cold really quick). Wiping off just seems a natural urge for most women.

As far as period sex. It's gross when you think about it when you're not horny. But if you are cuddling with your sex partner naked and you get turned on, you're going to want her period or not. It doesn't matter in the heat of the moment and again just wash off/wipe off afterwards. 1 thing I like about period sex with my current partner is I can cum inside her with far less risk of her getting pregnant, that's the only time I do so. We don't use protection.

Also I might have sex with one of my students today. We'll see how it goes.
@Vimana, I think you should learn how to conserve yourself and stop giving yourself away so easily. There is such a thing as exposing and spending your virtues into a vice.

Maybe that's too much and quite possibly I'm completely wrong. Just consider it.

I've made that mistake in the past, but when I start getting to know someone, not when I just met them. I only spoke to her once on the phone and once when I met her. There wasn't really enough interaction for me to give away much of anything.
Usually after I have sex we wipe off with a dirty shirt or something from my laundry basket. I'm the same way after jacking off I wrap something around it and just let it soak in while I fall asleep. But for sex it's different for some reason. I guess it feels weird to cuddle in a pile of cold wetness (it turns cold really quick). Wiping off just seems a natural urge for most women.

As far as period sex. It's gross when you think about it when you're not horny. But if you are cuddling with your sex partner naked and you get turned on, you're going to want her period or not. It doesn't matter in the heat of the moment and again just wash off/wipe off afterwards. 1 thing I like about period sex with my current partner is I can cum inside her with far less risk of her getting pregnant, that's the only time I do so. We don't use protection.

Also I might have sex with one of my students today. We'll see how it goes.

is that even legal? I don't mean age differences, I mean for a teacher to have relations with his/her students