Males and Females

Cancer really does suck. :/ Glad to hear she's still kicking though.

I feel like all the older women around me are dating guys in my age range. One of my best friends is getting married to a 24 year old (she's 46). My oldest sister is dating a 23 year old (she's 41)… man it must be something in the water.

As a chick, I don't think I could date a guy that is younger than me. My age or older is what i'm most comfortable with. However, apparently women's sex drive shoots up in their 40s (i guess due to all the hormonal changes and such) so i suppose that makes sense to go for a younger guy.

Edit: As long as the student is of age i suppose it shouldn't be too big of a deal if it's secret. It's definitely a risk i wouldn't take but hell that sounds interesting.
Cancer really does suck. :/ Glad to hear she's still kicking though.

I feel like all the older women around me are dating guys in my age range. One of my best friends is getting married to a 24 year old (she's 46). My oldest sister is dating a 23 year old (she's 41)… man it must be something in the water.

As a chick, I don't think I could date a guy that is younger than me. My age or older is what i'm most comfortable with. However, apparently women's sex drive shoots up in their 40s (i guess due to all the hormonal changes and such) so i suppose that makes sense to go for a younger guy.

Edit: As long as the student is of age i suppose it shouldn't be too big of a deal if it's secret. It's definitely a risk i wouldn't take but hell that sounds interesting.
yes...yes it does
HamburgerBoy, I don't find the idea of being stuck together with semen to be arousing or even similar to watersports. It's more akin to how Japanese porn actresses always play with semen at the end of scenes.

Fair enough, although in my mind it wouldn't really be about playing with it, just letting it be.

Usually after I have sex we wipe off with a dirty shirt or something from my laundry basket. I'm the same way after jacking off I wrap something around it and just let it soak in while I fall asleep. But for sex it's different for some reason. I guess it feels weird to cuddle in a pile of cold wetness (it turns cold really quick). Wiping off just seems a natural urge for most women.

As far as period sex. It's gross when you think about it when you're not horny. But if you are cuddling with your sex partner naked and you get turned on, you're going to want her period or not. It doesn't matter in the heat of the moment and again just wash off/wipe off afterwards. 1 thing I like about period sex with my current partner is I can cum inside her with far less risk of her getting pregnant, that's the only time I do so. We don't use protection.

Also I might have sex with one of my students today. We'll see how it goes.

I do agree that a cold cum surprise is never pleasant, so that makes sense too (although ideally if one partner is laying entirely on top of the other with the ejaculate sandwiched in between, it should be about skin temperature).

Hope you have better luck with the student thing than I did.
You guys ever given a girl a facial? That's something I'd like to try eventually if/once I get the fucking chance. Seems...dirtier than just shooting on their belly, I like that
...I like that a lot
You guys ever given a girl a facial? That's something I'd like to try eventually if/once I get the fucking chance. Seems...dirtier than just shooting on their belly, I like that
...I like that a lot

Yep and I didn't like it very much, she didn't seem to either. I like cumming in a girl's mouth more. Not open mouthed like in porn. But with her lips sealed around it while I cum. It's a great feeling.

P.S. I should have specified she is a former student (from two weeks ago), but yeah student sex did not happen. Student cuddle session did happen though. It was nice.
You guys ever given a girl a facial? That's something I'd like to try eventually if/once I get the fucking chance. Seems...dirtier than just shooting on their belly, I like that
...I like that a lot[/IMG]

It can be hot, but not too many women are into it. If you find one, though, it's awesome.
Yep and I didn't like it very much, she didn't seem to either. I like cumming in a girl's mouth more. Not open mouthed like in porn. But with her lips sealed around it while I cum. It's a great feeling.

P.S. I should have specified she is a former student (from two weeks ago), but yeah student sex did not happen. Student cuddle session did happen though. It was nice.

That's too bad. Better luck next time
Mathiäs;10860447 said:
That does feel the best. Whenever you pull out to finish generally its not as satisfying.

Yeah it feels good until that voice goes off in the back of your head
"Maybe...just maybe she wasn't on the pill..."
and then you subconsciously panic
The annoying thing about sex is that there's like this weird hard to achieve biting point (see what I did there) between them being such a slut you dare not go without a condom and them being basically bad at sex, especially oral. Also, after years of wanking, women generally seem "too loose". So basically it usually isn't as good as I've been dreaming of. Good oral is, but I refuse to put my cock into the mouth of fate with slutty women, and unslutty women suck at sucking.
The annoying thing about sex is that there's like this weird hard to achieve biting point (see what I did there) between them being such a slut you dare not go without a condom and them being basically bad at sex, especially oral. Also, after years of wanking, women generally seem "too loose". So basically it usually isn't as good as I've been dreaming of. Good oral is, but I refuse to put my cock into the mouth of fate with slutty women, and unslutty women suck at sucking.

Some unslutty women are good at sucking. And some aren't too loose. There's a match for everyone.
You live in fucking Prague. It's easy to get laid there. I don't think I'll be able to take another dry Summer.