Males and Females

i was going to post this on facebook but i decided it might go better here:
This isn't the type of thing you should probably say on facebook, but I really don't care today.

The type of women who's lives almost entirely consist of acting as regulators of social norms are basically a load of retards. Yeah, so if you spend more than 20% of your time vibrating in terror and disdain because some man has said the wrong thing or done the wrong thing in the wrong square millimeter of the universe then you are a shallow bag of shit and you should just sit back, all on your own and think deep thoughts, no matter how terrifying that is and despite the fact that it is not what Sharon and Janine said at Tescos.

Actually stop being inane, shallow and soulless. Stop assuming everything that ever happens is an attempt to have sex with you, stop crying over the fact that some people aren't that mainstream in their tastes and most of all, get over the dumb sense of power your sexuality gives you. A wise man once said it's an obvious fact of life that men go for the worst possible women and women go for the worst possible men. I would expand upon that and draw the conclusion that a life based around the specifics of sexual politics is a life wasted, for that reason. Whoever the most popular girl is, or the hot guy or whatever, they're probably a hollow dumbo. There's a reason why the exaggerated notions of male AND female both involve being dumb, whether in a "macho" way or in a "bimbo" way.
You know, you've been posting the same post for well over 2 years now. We get it.
I made the mistake of hooking up with a hot girl without a personality that was going on the travel study to Ireland with me in the weeks leading up to the trip. I also made the mistake of getting a ride to the airport from her. We get to Ireland and stuff got weird immediately, so I went off and did my own thing. The thing turned into a total drama fest because I was the one guy there with like 10 twenty year old girls. Near the end of the trip we made up for all of like 30 hours, but that fell through, so she had one of her friends on the trip write me a note saying that I needed to find another ride from the airport :lol: I gave her a killer bridge burner though, so she skipped out on the mandatory class meeting yesterday, in which we were supposed to give presentations and turn in our papers.
Why did the fact that you were the only guy mean there had to be drama? Couldn't you just behave in a manner indicating so little social intelligence that they write you off as a potential mate?
i was going to post this on facebook but i decided it might go better here:
This isn't the type of thing you should probably say on facebook, but I really don't care today.

The type of women whose lives almost entirely consist of acting as regulators of social norms are basically a load of retards. Yeah, so if you spend more than 20% of your time vibrating in terror and disdain because some man has said the wrong thing or done the wrong thing in the wrong square millimeter of the universe then you are a shallow bag of shit and you should just sit back, all on your own and think deep thoughts, no matter how terrifying that is and despite the fact that it is not what Sharon and Janine said at Tescos.

You know men do this too, right? It really isn't exclusive to the demographic you bitch about (I'm guessing white women between the ages of 18 and 40) to govern their social life by rules society sets for them and getting physically uncomfortable when they're broken. Like men who act like they're going to grow vaginas if they stop talking about cars, football, and sex. It just doesn't bother you because you're not trying to fuck men.

Actually stop being inane, shallow and soulless. Stop assuming everything that ever happens is an attempt to have sex with you, stop crying over the fact that some people aren't that mainstream in their tastes and most of all, get over the dumb sense of power your sexuality gives you. A wise man once said it's an obvious fact of life that men go for the worst possible women and women go for the worst possible men. I would expand upon that and draw the conclusion that a life based around the specifics of sexual politics is a life wasted, for that reason. Whoever the most popular girl is, or the hot guy or whatever, they're probably a hollow dumbo. There's a reason why the exaggerated notions of male AND female both involve being dumb, whether in a "macho" way or in a "bimbo" way.

I don't think you should blame the people themselves but pop culture's idolization of sex appeal. What do you expect of them when a society commands their worship?

But it's not like they feel like they reign supreme as goddesses. They may put that across, but it's not like they're going to (in the face of their worshippers) display that they would rather be valued as a person than a body. Imagine being a beautiful woman who wants someone to genuinely like them for who they are like any human, and having to deal with man after man that will fake that to get in their pants. If you face that your whole life, trusting people like that can be difficult.

Just because you can't get laid, that doesn't mean women are shackling society with their sexuality.

But yeah, idolization of sex leads to some dumb behavior.
Do any of you guys ever find yourself finding a female attractive, but not sexually attractive and you don't really think of her in a sexual way? It happens to me sometimes with people in tv shows, etc.
Do any of you guys ever find yourself finding a female attractive, but not sexually attractive and you don't really think of her in a sexual way? It happens to me sometimes with people in tv shows, etc.

Sorta. Usually it's in more of a "Not attracted" -> "Like her personality" -> "Find her cute" kind of way. Then there's also the "She's attractive, but she's either related or I see her too frequently in a workplace environment, so no sexual thoughts" angle. Only applies to real life though. When it comes to TV, movies, etc, they are paid to be beautiful and therefore it is my right to lust after and masturbate to images of their bodies.
Do any of you guys ever find yourself finding a female attractive, but not sexually attractive and you don't really think of her in a sexual way? It happens to me sometimes with people in tv shows, etc.

This happened to me except she's actually now my ex (before the girl I'm with now). Life is weird. :guh:
I was getting a bj from a girl once like two years ago, and I was thinking "I don't know if I even like this girl" and I just went soft. Then again could've been the whiskey too.
I made the mistake of hooking up with a hot girl without a personality that was going on the travel study to Ireland with me in the weeks leading up to the trip. I also made the mistake of getting a ride to the airport from her. We get to Ireland and stuff got weird immediately, so I went off and did my own thing. The thing turned into a total drama fest because I was the one guy there with like 10 twenty year old girls. Near the end of the trip we made up for all of like 30 hours, but that fell through, so she had one of her friends on the trip write me a note saying that I needed to find another ride from the airport :lol: I gave her a killer bridge burner though, so she skipped out on the mandatory class meeting yesterday, in which we were supposed to give presentations and turn in our papers.

Does this mean you told her the wrong date and time for the class meeting? BAHAHAHAHAHA.