Males and Females

:lol: Nah. It was actually kind of mean, the bridge burner. I told her that I was disappointed in myself for thinking that she had potential.

Ha. Well blowing off transportation from an airport is pretty fucking asshole. She'd better ruminate on what she did (and do poorly in the class).
After things were going so well, this girl says she's too codependent to come see me or progress further right now. She's great, and I told her I'd give her time to figure things out, but I'm honestly reconsidering the whole thing. I'm not getting involved with someone that's going to totally withdraw from things without warning.

I felt like we had a really good connection, but I would prefer something casual or nothing at all to something that is intense, but on and off. Fuck that.
I always feel like I've been wasting my time after a wank and I always feel massively empowered after decent sex.
Orgasms release hormones associated with bonding. So wanking is like a sexual version of talking to an imaginary friend.
Sometimes it's totally necessary to wank during a relationship, too. The only thing worse than failing to coax a partner who's all tuckered out into some good lovin is succeeding at it, and dealing with that half-assed, mostly dry, painful experience.

Best to just let them sleep and go take care of yourself. Then you can both get some rest and hump like bunnies when you're both awake.
Had stoned sex for the first time in months the other night. Sweet Baby Jesus!

Might be going out with a woman 16 years my senior...

don't know if we're going out in public or anything, might see a movie. If so, I wonder the sort of weird stares I'll get running around in public with a woman that much older than me.
...maybe I shouldn't???