Males and Females

Yesterday I was complaining about not meeting any nice new girls in a while. There's just nothing that interests me lately. And the whole summer is in front of me before the school starts again. My uni is full of fucking girls and I'm starting to realize that other places are not like this at all. That it's just not fucking normal.
I was kinda bummed today cause I didn't get a second date with this girl I saw, but then this other girl hit me up on OKCupid and I went over and we hooked up. I live right near her and I made her cum like a motherfucker so she'll probably have me over again. She has a boyfriend, though, so it's probably not gonna be a frequent thing. I have some other irons in the fire, but it's really nice to have some success. She wasn't as hot as the other girl, but I really liked her too. Her boyfriend seems like a really cool guy based on his stuff. I kinda want to be his friend but it's weird because I'm fucking his girlfriend.

Kinda feeling like The Man now because I feel like I performed really well. I haven't been single for four years and I kinda just want to fuck some bitches. But I treat 'em right, cause I'm a gentleman.
The girl I mentioned before and I talked things out and we're together. It's going pretty well. We've had some misunderstandings, but they weren't anything major and it wasn't very difficult to talk them out. By no means do I feel everything is perfect (what does that even mean?), but it's by far easier and more rewarding to be myself with her than with anyone I've ever met. We have this connection, man. It's cool stuff.
I'm guessing you're talking to me?

Yeah, I'm almost 23 and I've only slept with 4 people so it's time to put some bitches to the sword.

My situation kinda sucks right now, I'm pretty much limited to online dating, but once I move back up to Montreal things should improve.
People who go around accusing people of being gay, with a ridiculous retarded howler monkey like facial expression generally are gay.
This guy just started talking to me and then saying I need more revealing profile pictures and shit. I pointed out I'm straight and his profile says he's straight...did't stop. Is this what it's like for women when guys hit on them?