Males and Females

Real talk tho, I never understood the Every Man's fascination with watching women make out with each other, particularly the sartorial variety. And I know that porn must grossly misrepresent what real threesomes are like, because that is how the porno do.

When I have a threesome, it will be with my girl and a good friend, at the end of an awesome night, and we'll probably segue into it by going back to our place instead of dropping them off. And I don't care which gender they are, it's gonna be high fives all around.
Real talk tho, I never understood the Every Man's fascination with watching women make out with each other, particularly the sartorial variety. And I know that porn must grossly misrepresent what real threesomes are like, because that is how the porno do.

When I have a threesome, it will be with my girl and a good friend, at the end of an awesome night, and we'll probably segue into it by going back to our place instead of dropping them off. And I don't care which gender they are, it's gonna be high fives all around.
Yeah, I don't get how you could include a good friend in the mix. I mean, imagine hanging out with that person next knowing that you recently saw them naked and cumming...:ill: :erk:
I'd rather it be someone I don't know that well so that way I'll likely never see them again.
Yeah, I don't get how you could include a good friend in the mix. I mean, imagine hanging out with that person next knowing that you recently saw them naked and cumming...:ill: :erk:
I'd rather it be someone I don't know that well so that way I'll likely never see them again.

My circle has a lot of relationship history within itself, so none of us would see each other if we were squeamish about o-face memories and such.

Just gotta be cool man, be cool. And before it comes up again, for the record, I do not subscribe to the opinion that exes can't be friends.
My circle has a lot of relationship history within itself, so none of us would see each other if we were squeamish about o-face memories and such.

Just gotta be cool man, be cool. And before it comes up again, for the record, I do not subscribe to the opinion that exes can't be friends.
Huh, interesting. I couldn't do it, personally.
I'm most definitely not prude or anything but I find that to be just...too awkward and weird
I have a pretty open relationship with the boyfriend. And by open i mean he doesn't care if he sees me asleep with one of our friends (male or female) on a bed or some shit and vice versa. I wouldn't be able to date anyone that's jealous at all as i get pretty close to people. But he's not into anything really. He's totally not into even the idea of a threesome at all. I wouldn't be against it, in all honesty (i mean its been so long at this point i'm comfortable/confident in our relationship) but that's cool.

Ha, i use to think it would be weird with a close friend but idk maybe not. I'd feel a close friend would know more about your body and be more attuned to it and the feeling would be more mutual rather than some stranger…

On another note, it really breaks my heart turning people down and i end up having a hard time with it. I'd love to be cuddle buddies with everyone, but such is life. I know how hard it is to approach someone (i have a hard time ordering a drink sometimes!), but people nowadays its hard to be friends with them. They don't want that. And then i get stupid responses like "i can't be friends with girls" which makes me very angry. What are girls not people that can add meaningful relationship other than something sexual? Ouch, that's legit the biggest insult ever.
Most girls aren't interesting enough to just be friends with

Also, if you really have an "open relationship" you should let your bf get some side. You'd be a hero.
I disagree. Actually, i think it's harder for most women to show who they are at first (as men seem to open up quicker) but in terms of being interesting i find both sexes can be equally as interesting or as boring. Women just take some time is all.

Ha you and this side action thing.

It's not open like open relationship, i mean open by he could find me sleeping next to a friend and not bat an eye over it. Open relationships (the one where you could fuck other people)… i don't see the point really. No commitment there, and in the modern world where everyone has sex without condoms and shit unless you have a death wish it's kinda gross. I don't care how honest you are with your partner about it, if you constantly have to fuck other people there's something wrong (and unfulfilling) with your relationship.
It's not open like open relationship, i mean open by he could find me sleeping next to a friend and not bat an eye over it. Open relationships (the one where you could fuck other people)… i don't see the point really. No commitment there, and in the modern world where everyone has sex without condoms and shit unless you have a death wish it's kinda gross. I don't care how honest you are with your partner about it, if you constantly have to fuck other people there's something wrong (and unfulfilling) with your relationship.

That's not an open relationship, that's called having trust. I'm the same way with my partner. She goes out to hang out with friends all the time without me, sometimes crashing at their places, and it doesn't bother me.
Open relationships sound really shitty. The girl would just fuck whoever was either your best friend or your worst enemy and they'd be turned on by the wrongness of it. Women are fith.
That's not an open relationship, that's called having trust. I'm the same way with my partner. She goes out to hang out with friends all the time without me, sometimes crashing at their places, and it doesn't bother me.

Yes I suppose it is just called trust. Wrong word choice for sure.

And that's awesome, Jeremy! Glad to hear that
I don't get open relationships. You can be close to a person and sleep with them and sleep with other people, but why even call it a relationship? I tried one and it was crap because she tried to make me jealous and denied it even though it was really obvious, but I wouldn't see the point even if that weren't an issue. I'm going to end up having a favorite person to fuck, talk to, and have fun with and there's no hiding that from myself. I would rather all those be one person or else it'll be too unstable and take too much time and energy.
I disagree. Actually, i think it's harder for most women to show who they are at first (as men seem to open up quicker) but in terms of being interesting i find both sexes can be equally as interesting or as boring. Women just take some time is all.

Yes, yes you're right but all I'm saying is if I'm going to hang out with a person it's going to be a guy. Girls aren't really that much fun, they're not all that funny and tend to limit a good time. Dudes like to fuck around and push the envelope, verbally and sometimes physically, girls usually limit our good time by getting offended or annoyed.

You've never heard this and will never hear it - "Hey guys, ya know what would make this experience better? If my girl was here right now!" never haha

Ha you and this side action thing.

Every dude wants side, whether he admits it or not.

It's not open like open relationship, i mean open by he could find me sleeping next to a friend and not bat an eye over it. Open relationships (the one where you could fuck other people)… i don't see the point really. No commitment there, and in the modern world where everyone has sex without condoms and shit unless you have a death wish it's kinda gross. I don't care how honest you are with your partner about it, if you constantly have to fuck other people there's something wrong (and unfulfilling) with your relationship.

That's not an open relationship, that's called having trust. I'm the same way with my partner. She goes out to hang out with friends all the time without me, sometimes crashing at their places, and it doesn't bother me.

haha this is so naive it's adorable.