Males and Females

I may be in an unusual case, though, since my partner has a lot of masculine personality traits and identifies more with men on a social level, finding most women to be uninteresting. She inevitably has mostly male friends, many of which are also friends of mine.
I missed that. Next time there's a show hit me up, I've been out of the loop for a while.

I see two types of healthy open relationships. Either two people are just inherently not monogamous and would never consider entering a closed relationship, or they're capable of being monogamous but feel secure enough with each other that they choose to open things up.

If you need to take sexual exclusivity off the table in order to trust someone, then either you're not capable of trust or they're not trustworthy. I think that any such relationship has some integral weaknesses and is unlikely to last.

I suppose my point is that an open relationship has to be truly mutual. If it's agreed to because one person is a slut and the other person is too scared to try to find someone more compatible, that's not gonna work.

Yeah I definitely agree with most of that. In actuality though I feel that the good majority of open relationships will inevitably fail, but you never know.
Personally, I think that open relationships are stronger than monogamous ones. There isn't any cheating/jealousy to destroy it.
Ha waif beat me to it. I was just about to ask what kind of basic bitches do you associate with Jimmy? Realistically, if the guy is comfortable in their relationship i don't think they want side action, realistically. Those rules and blanket statements just never work. Nothing is ever mutually exclusive, especially when it comes to people.

Girls are vulgar and aggressive too. There are just fewer occasions (and cliques) in which it is "ok" for them to do so. This meek/ gullible chick that society paints is literally just that - a fucking painting because deep down there's really no person that exists who does not want to have a say in anything important ever.

i actually could identify with both men and women, and enjoy their company equally at this point. When i was younger i use to prefer men, but i honestly think it's a bit childish to hate on women (unless its a joke because i really do think you can joke about anything with the right audience) it's honestly because you aren't surrounding yourself with the right type. I've learned to just accept the fact that the gods have placed me in the body of a non-intimidating scrawny looking chick even though i am way more aggressive and reactive than most of my male friends, including the bf.
I've learned to just accept the fact that the gods have placed me in the body of a non-intimidating scrawny looking chick even though i am way more aggressive and reactive than most of my male friends, including the bf.

You are probably a monster in the bedroom. Yes please.
I sleep over at my female friends houses all the time. I'm a good faithful boy though so s'all good.

Last weekend I did have to shut down my drunk friend (who was both aggressive and numerous in her advances), but hey I shut her down and was honest about it to my girlfriend so again, s'all good.
Girls aren't really that much fun, they're not all that funny and tend to limit a good time.

Depends on the person. I'm steadily realizing that my girlfriend just doesn't have what I'd consider a good sense of humor. The things she finds funny are a really crude form of situational irony, wherein she needs to spend inordinate amounts of time explaining why they'd be ironic. Yanno, like her friends getting high, walking around a hippie town, and doing things that people normally do when they're high, in a state where marijuana is legalized and not at all a novelty.

My ex had an awesome sense of humor, though. As a journalist, she never missed a beat, and when it came to talking shit, she could dish it as well as she could take it.

Hardly a deal breaker, just something I've given thought to lately.
If I don't get a blowjob this summer the shit is going to hit the fan. A man has needs. Fuck women really. If some woman, socially retarded or otherwise, wanted her pussy eatin, it would get done. As a gender, we provide that service, so why do women have to be such sour apples?
Fuck shit, tbh. I've had a shit day and I have all kinds of demons in my head, like shit I've got to worry about, forever. Fuck stuff. I just want some nice silky smooth sweet woman to love for a few days. Come on god, deliverith the goods.
JAGE said:
Fuck shit, tbh. I've had a shit day and I have all kinds of demons in my head, like shit I've got to worry about, forever. Fuck stuff. I just want some nice silky smooth sweet woman to love for a few days. Come on god, deliverith the goods.

I don't consider that to be an escape.

I haven't found any yet though (escape).
If I don't get a blowjob this summer the shit is going to hit the fan. A man has needs. Fuck women really. If some woman, socially retarded or otherwise, wanted her pussy eatin, it would get done. As a gender, we provide that service, so why do women have to be such sour apples?

Just hire a prostitute, it's the best you can do.