Males and Females

I mean, hanging out with girls can be fun, but it's in a very different way than hanging out with your broskis. Dudes like to talk shit and it's awkward with girls around.
women just fucking vibrate because someone said something deep and it terrified them, or they react to everything as if it were an attempt to bed them.

I've never known how to have female friends and I only manage it online. When I meet them in person it goes down the toilet. I think staring and general awkwardness are the causes. Don't care though. Fuck people seriously. Every fucking dude bro chav jock retard and all of the fucking retarded sluts.
Yes, yes you're right but all I'm saying is if I'm going to hang out with a person it's going to be a guy. Girls aren't really that much fun, they're not all that funny and tend to limit a good time. Dudes like to fuck around and push the envelope, verbally and sometimes physically, girls usually limit our good time by getting offended or annoyed.

It really depends on the girl. Most of my close friends were girls because most guys I met only wanted to talk about cars, sports, and girls. I have a bro, but he's one of the rare ones I find that can talk about deep stuff without acting like it'll make him grow a vagina.

You've never heard this and will never hear it - "Hey guys, ya know what would make this experience better? If my girl was here right now!" never haha

I've never said that, but I've definitely thought it.

Every dude wants side, whether he admits it or not.

Four years ago, I would have agreed with you. I'm a pretty sexual person, and I broke up with a girl I had a good relationship with because I wanted to fuck another girl. It took having casual sex and empty sex within a relationship for me to realize that personal elements can improve the experience and even if another girl's hotter, fucking her won't be as enjoyable or intimate as sex with someone I'm into.

women just fucking vibrate because someone said something deep and it terrified them, or they react to everything as if it were an attempt to bed them.

I've never known how to have female friends and I only manage it online. When I meet them in person it goes down the toilet. I think staring and general awkwardness are the causes. Don't care though. Fuck people seriously. Every fucking dude bro chav jock retard and all of the fucking retarded sluts.

Maybe it has something to do with generalizing about an entire gender that you're not.
If letting my partner crash at a male friend's house makes me an idiot, that implies she cannot be trusted. Since you don't know me or her personally, I'll assume you are speaking from a general attitude toward women. I'm sorry I'm an idiot in your eyes because my concept of a relationship doesn't involve keeping a woman on a leash at all times.
Isn't Jimmy like a really trashy drug person? He's probably running with some basic bitches who really aren't trustworthy because they're scummy drug people.
You people really don't get open relationships. If you don't trust someone you can't have any sort of meaningful relationship with them, open or not. An open relationship means that neither of you think that sexual exclusivity is important. That's all.
Yes, yes you're right but all I'm saying is if I'm going to hang out with a person it's going to be a guy. Girls aren't really that much fun, they're not all that funny and tend to limit a good time. Dudes like to fuck around and push the envelope, verbally and sometimes physically, girls usually limit our good time by getting offended or annoyed.

I mean, hanging out with girls can be fun, but it's in a very different way than hanging out with your broskis. Dudes like to talk shit and it's awkward with girls around.

You guys are hanging out with the wrong women.
That's your idea of an open relationship. And you know what, that's OK.

And what exactly is yours?

Also, who are you? I thought I knew all the Boston-area posters.

You guys are hanging out with the wrong women.

I have some female bros I can talk shit with, but most women aren't into that. I don't mind spending a couple hours swearing less every now and then.
I dunno. If you don't trust someone and choose to have an open relationship because of that, wouldn't removing that element of sexual exclusivity then reestablish the trust, thus strengthening the relationship?

I'm from the Newton area, haven't been around the boards that long. Did see Agalloch the other night in Brighton, awesome show.
I missed that. Next time there's a show hit me up, I've been out of the loop for a while.

I see two types of healthy open relationships. Either two people are just inherently not monogamous and would never consider entering a closed relationship, or they're capable of being monogamous but feel secure enough with each other that they choose to open things up.

If you need to take sexual exclusivity off the table in order to trust someone, then either you're not capable of trust or they're not trustworthy. I think that any such relationship has some integral weaknesses and is unlikely to last.

I suppose my point is that an open relationship has to be truly mutual. If it's agreed to because one person is a slut and the other person is too scared to try to find someone more compatible, that's not gonna work.
If letting my partner crash at a male friend's house makes me an idiot, that implies she cannot be trusted. Since you don't know me or her personally, I'll assume you are speaking from a general attitude toward women. I'm sorry I'm an idiot in your eyes because my concept of a relationship doesn't involve keeping a woman on a leash at all times.

Yea you're probably right. I'm like a primitive territorial male sometimes. The idea of "my girl" even sleeping in another dudes house pisses me off.

You guys are hanging out with the wrong women.

I always hang around the wrong women. I'm attracted to their depravity.

Isn't Jimmy like a really trashy drug person? He's probably running with some basic bitches who really aren't trustworthy because they're scummy drug people.

haha, trashy? I don't think so. I havent done any hard drugs in years. I'm just a degenerate dude.
Yea you're probably right. I'm like a primitive territorial male sometimes. The idea of "my girl" even sleeping in another dudes house pisses me off.

The very characteristic of being territorial represents a fundamental lack of trust that weakens a relationship at its very foundations. The lack of extrinsic boundaries, on the other hand, allows one partner to cultivate an intrinsic sense of obligation to the other.
Stuff like that rarely goes both ways though. I'm being unfair if i dont want my woman to sleep at some guy friends house.... But Jesus fucking Christ prepare for nuclear meltdown if i slept at a female friends house. And I'm sure i will get some shitty responses about how it would be okay either way, but it fucking wouldnt. Inb4SS reference.