Males and Females

If I don't get a blowjob this summer the shit is going to hit the fan. A man has needs. Fuck women really. If some woman, socially retarded or otherwise, wanted her pussy eatin, it would get done. As a gender, we provide that service, so why do women have to be such sour apples?

Fuck shit, tbh. I've had a shit day and I have all kinds of demons in my head, like shit I've got to worry about, forever. Fuck stuff. I just want some nice silky smooth sweet woman to love for a few days. Come on god, deliverith the goods.

Scandal of the century.
Ladies and gentlemen, the next

congratulations, asshole. I haven't gotten as much as a blowbjob in roughly two years. Yeah, it can be annoying, but there's much more to life than sex and sexuality, you know.
By shit is going to hit the fan I mean I might visit a prostitute or some other debauchery, not "the world must suffer".

that guy was entitled as fuck, I just think that the stigma attached with casual sex is a bit shit. I don't think women "owe me sex" I've delivered nothing to them to warrant that, I've never gone down on a woman anyway, even if they were blowing me.
By shit is going to hit the fan I mean I might visit a prostitute or some other debauchery, not "the world must suffer".

that guy was entitled as fuck, I just think that the stigma attached with casual sex is a bit shit. I don't think women "owe me sex" I've delivered nothing to them to warrant that, I've never gone down on a woman anyway, even if they were blowing me.

It's not a fucking trade. It's not about deserving/warranting stuff.

Also, you've never licked a pussy? I remember you listing like 15 girls you've had and you never done that? At that point you notice the differences between vaginas. It's not just "oh look my dick feels like this" and "dude now it feels like this". Come on.

EDIT: That's like listening to Mahler's second and saying I LIEK DIS SOUND.

EDIT2: I had a beer or two. :)
I remember when I got drunk and offered to bum some girl and she said she was appalled and said that I could not offer her anything and that the onlything I might offer her was to lick her pussy but most men would do that (she was sweet and beautiful) so I can't offer her anything. She added some funny expressive enunciation thing to the end of every line and shook her head with her mouth open like a prim and proper little madam.
I remember when I got drunk and offered to bum some girl and she said she was appalled and said that I could not offer her anything and that the onlything I might offer her was to lick her pussy but most men would do that (she was sweet and beautiful) so I can't offer her anything. She added some funny expressive enunciation thing to the end of every line and shook her head with her mouth open like a prim and proper little madam.


EDIT: I can see that scene happening in front of me.
I hate retarded people who think they are "fucking amazing bros!!!!!!!!!!" with their simple fucking facial expressions.
I hate retarded people who think they are "fucking amazing bros!!!!!!!!!!" with their simple fucking facial expressions.

I hate bro handshakes between friends. What's the fucking point. I'm tired of telling people how retarded it is so I usually just go along but I hate it.
Remember those jocks that swaggered into popo petal and made you decide we should leave? It's those kind of assholes and also people who move their heads like those plastic nodding dogs and just go around mocking things to try and bring themselves closer to their slut of a girlfriend. Plus bouncers and people who go out at night looking for quiet looking people to have a fight with.
Remember those jocks that swaggered into popo petal and made you decide we should leave? It's those kind of assholes and also people who move their heads like those plastic nodding dogs and just go around mocking things to try and bring themselves closer to their slut of a girlfriend. Plus bouncers and people who go out at night looking for quiet looking people to have a fight with.


(I don't remember those tbh. I don't like that bar anyway. There's no air.)

EDIT: Last time I went there was some time during winter. I had rum/cola and it was the most disgusting thing I've had in a while.