Males and Females

I learn everything I know from Seinfeld.

What in the fuck? I think this girl is pulling a George on me. She fucking cancelled again. I guess she was sent home from work with a high fever. She did say that she'd "love the chance to try again and meet up" once she gets better. Shitty. Not sure if she is genuine or just trying to ditch me or something.
Have you guys rescheduled? Because if she cancels again, that'd be strike three, she's out.
Yeah, not yet. Waiting on a response. If I don't get anything, fuck her. This is a better girlfriend to have.

Had a date tonight. She was a fair bit heavier than her picture. No real connection. Waste of time, I guess, but I just see it as a chance to practice my conversation. Got a date with another girl tomorrow.
Continually frustrated with the fact that all the women I meet that like metal LOOK like they like metal what with the tats/piecing/tacky dress. The women that I'm attracted to end up being absurdly annoying hardcore catholic/completely straight edge types. I'm after a mythical wolf in sheep's clothing it would seem...
Metal culture is disgusting. I recommend keeping that shit in the closet and living the rest of your days as an emasculated, church-going family dad.