Males and Females

try to put your tights on without using your hands and make a video. also do it whilst you have mint and chocolate icecream in your orificies.
try to put your tights on without using your hands and make a video. also do it whilst you have mint and chocolate icecream in your orificies.

That girl reminds me of every asian or half asian middle class english girl. I would. With mint ice cream in her butthole.
That girl reminds me of every asian or half asian middle class english girl. I would. With mint ice cream in her butthole.

I would too. I like these kinds of smiles (she's not smiling but you can imagine). Not asian at all though. I think that reaction gif might have a future here.
I would too. I like these kinds of smiles (she's not smiling but you can imagine). Not asian at all though. I think that reaction gif might have a future here.

A bit asian. You would probably call Turkey "an eastern gypsy land" or something, well look at this Turkish girl:

I'm not even interested in girls anymore. The whole prospect of having a partner seems so tiresome now.
I was referring to this post
How about fuck you? I don't even know what you're referring to. I've always liked the neighbor chick.

Oooo, testy. Heh heh, relax
And I once had a sort of crush on my own neighbor chick before I moved (and by crush I mean I wanted to crush her with my dick). Of course I realized I didn't have a shot in hell, so I dismissed it when I ever spoke to her. Not worth the .5% chance she's into me and is DTF
Yeah I don't want a partner. I want to fall in love first. Then fuck that chick. Then maaaayyybeeee.

EDIT: IB4 that gif.
Had a really good date last thursday and was looking forward to the sequel but I was out of town and really busy this weekend and hadn't gotten in touch with her. Texted her today around 2:30 and I haven't heard back and now I'm worried she thought I was being one of those dicks who don't call for 3 days or whatever and ain't having it.

I guess I'll text her a clarification. But that might be awkward? Probably overthinking things.
Just texted her again saying I meant to ask her out sooner but I've been busy and that I'd really like to meet her again. It is now out of my hands. Either we go out again or we don't. Either way I've got dates with 3 other women. Although I do hope this one works out, I really liked her.
She texted back. It's all good. Taking her to an Italian place on Friday. Speaking of which, anyone know any good Italian places in Boston?

I want some fucking veal parmesian.
On seconds thoughts, that gif looks like a skinnier version of some bitch of a teacher I once had. I used to daydream about having anal sex with her in classes and I think she knew because she made disapproving "hmmmming" noises and did that face.