Males and Females

It goes from 1-30. I forget the details. I think it's something like 1-10 is regular, 11-20 is attractive, and 21-30 is slammin'.
1-5. It's fairly simple, 1 is a blocked call to get rid of, and a 5 you need to bleach your hair, buy a gun and move out of the country.

Thankfully my girlfriend is like a stage -6 on the clinger scale. i could go an entire 4 days without even speaking to her and she wouldn't care... she'd probably just be at home watching shit on Netflix.
They can say what they want. If Butt has any sense, he'll just laugh at people on the internet declaring something about his personal life with such certainty based on words he puts on a forum.
I ended up calling things off with my girlfriend last night.

Sucks, but its for the best. Things were slowly heading in a direction I didnt want. The good times were dwindling while the headaches and frustration were growing.

Moving on.
There's a difference between white knighting and calling people out on being giant dickbags. I don't know why you think it's acceptable to behave like that. If you acted like that offline you'd get your ass kicked.
It's called poking fun dummy, they're joking/fucking around. Some of you fuckers have such thin skin.

What's funny is I could see some girl doing this to him haha, see it's funny because it's not outside the realm of possibility, especially for Butthead..

Vimana is basically a girl so he's excused.
Vimana is basically a girl so he's excused.

What do you mean by that?

I ended up calling things off with my girlfriend last night.

Sucks, but its for the best. Things were slowly heading in a direction I didnt want. The good times were dwindling while the headaches and frustration were growing.

Moving on.

Did this have to do with shit like trying to make you jealous?
Nah, it had to deal with her maturity level, and constantly not getting want I need and want from the relationship.

By the way she acted when it ended solidified my decision. I know I made the right one. Still sucks, though.