Males and Females

You guys are assholes. Butt knows and trusts this girl and you have absolutely no reason to talk shit.

I do appreciate it, but its alright :lol: I know the facts, they don't so let em poke fun. This is tame anyways, compared to how GMD has tried to fuck with me in the past. :V

Nah, it had to deal with her maturity level, and constantly not getting want I need and want from the relationship.

By the way she acted when it ended solidified my decision. I know I made the right one. Still sucks, though.

That's rough man, sorry to hear that. How did she act when you ended it though? Typical "crying and 'please don't'" dealio?

Regardless that sucks. Feel better dude. Its for the best, it seems.
There's a difference between white knighting and calling people out on being giant dickbags. I don't know why you think it's acceptable to behave like that. If you acted like that offline you'd get your ass kicked.

What I said was tame compared to a majority of the shit talking that happens not only in this thread, but in general on this forum. The Butt is an adult, I'm sure he can decipher when someone is giving him the gears, or being serious. I highly doubt what someone jokes about on the internet is going to affect him and what he has established relationship wise with this girl. Good for him if he can take a joke, and know full well that the comment can be construed as a joke and he doesn't suddenly think that I may have a point.
I think its good to remember that at the beginning stages of a relationship, maybe up to a year together, you don't really know eachother all that well on that kind of intimacy level. Some people suck at the beginning due to mistrust, then become awesome partners as time goes on and trust is cemented. Others put on an act, seem awesome at first, then get progressively lamer. The whole 'on your best behavior at first' thing is bullshit, I'm personally on my worst, as was my boyfriend of almost four years.

Food for thought.
I hate when you play dumb

I'm serious. I mean, I have guesses, like my verbosity, rambling, how much I say like, and the way I talk about my emotions and shit, but otherwise I'm not sure.

What I said was tame compared to a majority of the shit talking that happens not only in this thread, but in general on this forum. The Butt is an adult, I'm sure he can decipher when someone is giving him the gears, or being serious. I highly doubt what someone jokes about on the internet is going to affect him and what he has established relationship wise with this girl. Good for him if he can take a joke, and know full well that the comment can be construed as a joke and he doesn't suddenly think that I may have a point.

To be fair, in a text-only format, lots of stuff can get lost. Just like how the last sentence could have been sarcastic and no one but me would have any idea.
I think its good to remember that at the beginning stages of a relationship, maybe up to a year together, you don't really know eachother all that well on that kind of intimacy level. Some people suck at the beginning due to mistrust, then become awesome partners as time goes on and trust is cemented. Others put on an act, seem awesome at first, then get progressively lamer. The whole 'on your best behavior at first' thing is bullshit, I'm personally on my worst, as was my boyfriend of almost four years.

Food for thought.

Its funny I was just thinking about this very thing.

Its rare you meet people that are truly authentic and real from the first moment, til the last. This truly is something I strive for on my own account not only in intimate relationships, but all relationships.

Im the kind of person that takes someone at face value, first minute of meeting them. I dont want to be with someone whos guarding a part of themselves because they are afraid of being real. Fuck that. Be real, as I am being real, so we can see cut through the bullshit and see if we have something here.
Its funny I was just thinking about this very thing.

Its rare you meet people that are truly authentic and real from the first moment, til the last. This truly is something I strive for on my own account not only in intimate relationships, but all relationships.

Im the kind of person that takes someone at face value, first minute of meeting them. I dont want to be with someone whos guarding a part of themselves because they are afraid of being real. Fuck that. Be real, as I am being real, so we can see cut through the bullshit and see if we have something here.

I think everyone wants that, but easier said than done. Personally I act kind of wonky, both romantically and platonically, till I know someone pretty well. Not on purpose, and not hiding who I am, just psychological shit of acting kinda awkward and paranoid that they're secretly out to get me if there's not an instant easy going understanding.

But I digress... sorry about the chick dude.
I hate re-realizing how terrible I am at smalltalk. There's a girl at work that has a certain aura about her that for some reasons screams to me almost in a third person "you guys would really get along" - maybe its just her level of awkward cuteness... I digress, but in the rare situation we're both in the break room at the same time (callcenters suck for socializing) I can't think of dick all to say other than some bullshit of "Friday's almost here" etc. etc. Then the convo fizzles out and we go our separate ways.

Then I think "Do I really have anything to say that isn't related to some (awesome) niche interest I have?"
"Fuck it. Find someone w/ online dating with common interests..."
Resubscribe to XYZ online dating for a month.
"Oh yeah. I forgot. Fatties, blacks, and tattoed freakshows are all these sites have to offer."
"Fuck it." Back to our regularly scheduled programming.
As the master Bauhaus puts it in a song: "small talk stinks". It sucks when you have to work so hard to communicate. It's like you try to hard and it's all forced and shit. No real easy play in that situation, but I guess the best thing to do would be to chill with her outside of work somehow.
I hate re-realizing how terrible I am at smalltalk. There's a girl at work that has a certain aura about her that for some reasons screams to me almost in a third person "you guys would really get along" - maybe its just her level of awkward cuteness... I digress, but in the rare situation we're both in the break room at the same time (callcenters suck for socializing) I can't think of dick all to say other than some bullshit of "Friday's almost here" etc. etc. Then the convo fizzles out and we go our separate ways.

Then I think "Do I really have anything to say that isn't related to some (awesome) niche interest I have?"
"Fuck it. Find someone w/ online dating with common interests..."
Resubscribe to XYZ online dating for a month.
"Oh yeah. I forgot. Fatties, blacks, and tattoed freakshows are all these sites have to offer."
"Fuck it." Back to our regularly scheduled programming.

I'd give dating sites another shot. There are plenty of cool people out there. You have to be open-minded and stick with it, but it can be rewarding.

If you can't find anything to talk about with this girl at work then it's probably not gonna work. Although it's fine to just talk about life, or work, or whatever. It doesn't always have to be deep stuff or relate to your common interests or whatever.
I always vouch for dating websites. I know some people on here have had mixed results with them. I met my girlfriend on OKC, and we've been together now for 3 years. I think you just have to put in a decent amount of effort and time, just like everything else. I like that you can be choosy and see how people represent themselves. I remember one girl on OKC's profile was all about her love for mayonnaise. Weirdos
^ How the fuck does that happen? Youre the first person Ive encountered to find a girlfriend off Facebook, let alone 4.

First two were from plunging myself into "Spam my friend requests" groups on there, those were the E-relationships. I got good nudes and skypes out of those (no I don't have the nudes anymore). I don't count the first one half the time, because she was Satan.

Last two (last ex, and current gf), were girls my cousins knew adding me. I dont really count the last ex half the time, because she was greasy as fuck. Fucked like an animal though.
First two were from plunging myself into "Spam my friend requests" groups on there, those were the E-relationships. I got good nudes and skypes out of those (no I don't have the nudes anymore). I don't count the first one half the time, because she was Satan.

There's my problem. I prune my friends list more than anything. Shit. I just wanna get married, not have kids and disassociate ourselves from everyone but like 2 friends each and family. Life would be awesome...