Males and Females

With my ex, he'd grab meh butt whenever that happened. That was 2 exes ago (aka the awesome hot one that became a militant asshole), the last one never introduced me to his friends for whatever reason.

With guys I feel like some people are racist...up until a point. Like my friend Dot, he claims to only hate the jews and the blacks now but before then he was full on racist and never had a problem with me. I am half hispanic and half pale face. Oh wow and before then too, we used to know this girl who was half puerto rican and something else, I think he only cared when it was up to males or this fat bitch julia.
What the fuck. Anyway some girl I don't find attractive keeps getting me to go out and meet her but then doesn't turn up but is all apologetic latter. Maybe she wants me to chase her or something gay like that.

Fucking sick of it. People who don't take my calls aren't friends. We're supposed to be friends, as in, just friends, so it's really weird.
Just out of plain respect (for myself), whenever I check out a girl out it's a quick 1,2,3. Firstly, because no girl, no matter how good looking, deserves more attention especially if she's already getting it, and secondly, I honestly feel you treat all guys with a certain "oh shit dude/lol" face if they catch ya, most dudes can relate to that because, well, let's face it, we are ALL surveying every second.

same, staring at chicks and basically eye fucking them is pretty gross; everyone likes attention but that straight up feels gross. Once I was applying for a job at a gym in the castro in SF and a dude was seriously staring at my crotch and checking me out for what seemed like forever while I was talking to the front desk person to get an application; that taught me what girls feel like and it was pretty fucking nasty. I've had a few girls check me out but it's usually not very obvious so it's no big deal but the intense staring and eye fucking is gross as hell.

I work at a gym where all the other trainers are basically typical bros and they eye-fuck every girl that walks in and talk to each other like DAMN BRO THAT CHICK IS FINE I'D TELL HER TO SPIT ON IT AND SHOW HER WHATS UP so loud that the girls can hear it, it's insanely disrespectful (the shit they say actually grosses ME out so i can't imagine how she feels knowing that 3 dudes are staring at her ass and talking about fucking the shit out of her). When guys even stare at my friends that are girls I get pissed if they do it too disgustingly and I just give them the death stare and am thankful I'm not a girl.
^Eh, that's pretty normal here. You see 18-25 year old manchilds yelling some shit like "you're so damn hot" or "i like that ass" every time a girl passes by, and the girl actually hears it. They don't have anything better to do with their lives. They're school or college drop outs.
I know it's normal but it's disgusting and I can't see how some people can do it. Check a girl out fine, stare a little too long if she's super hot and catches your eye even that's understandable but what does yelling really fucked up gross stuff at her or telling ones guy friends around them do? It's not like she's going to turn around and be like OH YOU SAID I HAVE A NICE ASS AND YOU WANT TO POUND MY ASS LIKE YOU'RE DRILLING FOR OIL? I CAN'T RESIST, FUCK ME NOW!!!11 It usually seems to be the really overcompensating insecure guys at my gym who do it so that's probably part of it.
^ agreed with most posts here.

I don't mind people checking out my girl (we get alot of stares as it is, because it's uncommon to see an Asian guy with a white girl here) but completely eye-fucking or yelling stupid shit is unacceptable. If it's at a bar or a club I'll just start making out with my girlfriend or grab her butt until the douchebags turn around or fuck off. I don't like it either when these douchebags are doing things to my female friends.

I don't see what these guys hope to achieve by yelling out obscene shit or pass remarks when seeing a good looking lady. Can't say I know anyone who's done that and not gone home alone.
I think most asian women are hotter than most white women, I'm not crazy into certain race women but I just end up thinking more asian women are attractive in comparison to other races (which is lucky for me considering the area I live in is mostly asian and the majority of them are hot unless they're old; the old hunched over asian women that blabber really quickly and smell are horrid but so are most old people). Guys who won't go for a girl because of her race are ridiculous; I don't think I've ever met a black woman that I found attractive but that doesn't mean they're all gross, a sweeping generalization is instant failure.
Good luck with your success with Asian women. There's a few foreign Asian students here that I never get to talk to for lack of similar interest/social activities. I can't wait to cold approach some though. Otherwise, I won't meet them. Most people here are either white or black, with not many Asians or Latinas, and very few Arab/Indian women. So I'm not in the best area for my preferences.:lol:
Hahahahahaha. King Drunkard, why let it bother you? It's flattering if anything and it's not like they pose any real threat. You've been together 6 years and you're going to get married and she's obviously with you. If she wants to cheat on you she'll do it no matter what but I'm sure she's a strong lady who won't let creepy dudes get away with being creeps.

I guess it depends on the degree of eyefucking though. The thorough many-times-over eyeball pelvic exam deserves a stern tongue-lashing at the very least.

And yeah being a chick sucks sometimes. I don't even have boobs or a butt yet when I'm in America I get leered at and shit pretty much every time I go out in public. Thankfully it's usually small Mexican dudes with mustaches who I know just like to look and won't try to start anything serious.
I get that it's flattering and they don't pose as threats and all that jazz, it's just disrespectful like I said and I don't like being disrespected which is why it annoys me. It hasn't set me off and probably won't because I understand how stupid the whole situation is. Even still, there are sometimes when I'm in a certain mood that I'd like nothing more than to completely smash some douchetwat's little face into the ground.
I understand the feeling. It is very satisfying to crush another guy/girl's hopes sometimes when you're in that kind of mood.

MP is VERY popular with the ladies here (Japanese and foreign) and I enjoy watching heads turn when we are out in public.
@ Pessimism. No, I did not notice.

I actually accidently joined a band and they are making me listen to the music to influence my writing. I've been reading up on the band recommendations all day at work yesterday and did some downloading.

What bands did they give you and what are they trying to sound like?
Usually the guys that say stuff like that are the ones not getting any.

You underestimate the amount of dumb whores out there. Bros get it quite often, especially from the same sluts. I imagine there is some sort of parallel type of females that enjoy the bro type.

@KD: I got a job in the military-industrial complex. "DOING OUR JOBS SO THE TROOPS CAN TOO!" :lol: