Males and Females

It's for guys who no woman would enjoy intercourse with.

Got it. :lol:

There's this documentary I've watched on Netflix called "A Whore's Glory" and it was about prostitution and the transitory action of sex they showed was just really weird. This one hooker stopped the dude in the middle because his time was up, and she sent him on his way. I guess it's fine if you come with enough money.
What do you fellas think about Amsterdam's Red Light District? is it something you'd consider doing or do you think it's gross and/or sad?

Depends how much it is. I hear the women are fucking gorgeous and are on top of getting STD checks. So if the price was right, and I was there, fuck yeah Id consider doing it.

I need to get back on the market. Its been about a month since my break up, and im itching for the warmth of a woman. I should get back on tinder...
I would pay for prostitutes, but anywhere I am located there is none. As far as I know anyways.
What do you fellas think about Amsterdam's Red Light District? is it something you'd consider doing or do you think it's gross and/or sad?

christmas 2010 i had 7 women there over a 4 day period. the amsterdam RLD has both extremely gorgeous and extremely ugly prostitutes. you just need the patience to look. it ranges from 50 to 200 euros. best christmas of my life and i went there 3x more
15 minutes enough? Are you kidding me?

I imagine they are even worse than strippers with prolonging any act as long as possible, so that right before the time runs out you have no choice but to buy more time.
i can vouch for asmara dot nl it's not too far from the city center. it's been 2 years tho.

you planning a vacation there?

Death Delirium said:
I would pay for prostitutes, but anywhere I am located there is none. As far as I know anyways.
that's what sucks about the usa
- prostitutes are hard to find
- they are probably ugly
- the attractive ones are stupidly expensive
- it could be undercover cops

go to nevada or canada or mexico. (recommend canada)
man i walked those dark alleys for hours, noting the windows where the hot ones are, weighing my options, waiting for my turn sometimes, go in and unload my nuts, give them a hug and wish them well. good times. definitely something to experience at least once to know what's like.

dude if you go during the 2 weeks of xmas and new year i might be there too lol
Jesus lol

Christmas/New Year seems like such a fucked up time to go. It's perfect. Wake up Christmas morning and have a nice breakfast that includes getting high on edibles. Walk down to some lunatics bar and drink great specialty craft beer with patat. Eat more weed, talk to strange people, sex with eastern euro girls, rinse, repeat. hoe, hoe, hoe
book your ticket now before prices go up, Jimmy!

i'll be in switzerland visiting relatives dec 19 - jan 4 and can go to amsterdam at the drop of a hat.