Males and Females

Looks like Christina

I don't understand how, as an atheist, you could date a theist.

Perfectly possible, as long as her beliefs don't affect her sexuality.

I would. I am an atheist but I fear the realities of living in a world where everyone else held similar beliefs regarding the supernatural. If it takes a fear of god to prevent people from regressing into animalistic behaviour then that what needs to be there. I don't want some pack of retarded baboon people trying to eat me and if the fear of eternal hell and damnation lessens the likelihood of that, then fair enough.

Spoken like a true Brit, like your countryman Thomas Hobbes.
I guess I don't see it. Someone believing in any god wouldn't work for me unless we were just hooking up.
Weird. So my friend ended up talking to a friend of hers from out of state about my whole break up situation, and apparently there is now some kind of 'conspiracy' going on to keep me 'busy' when summer comes around and away from my ex...
Friends with benefits is always the solution. To every problem. Ever.

I know this post was necro'd (2010 holla), but I agree. I even put this in my OKCupid profile (I just implied I would be interested in FWB situations and if it went anywhere else then we'd deal with it).

I was reading from the beginning of this thread for nostalgia and Cyth deleted a bunch of his posts. It was said because his posts are some of the funniest shit I read on the interwebz.
Hey, that chick's in Maine, so if it doesn't work out, send her a couple hours north.

EDIT: On second thought, that Mary of Guadeloupe picture is disturbing.

And also, I doubt she'd appreciate you putting her pic on the internet in such a context.
My friend has something similar. Unfortunately I’m not friends with it on facebook so I can’t get anything bigger than this:


EDIT: Oh I found something. That is them. It’s a bigger picture.
jesus, wtf is going on with that chick's hair

she has a nice face and all, but the hair... *shudder*
Hey man, do you read the Chateau Heartiste blog? It's pretty much the harshest and most honest gaming site out there from what I can tell, with some interesting social commentary mixed in as well.

Actually, I recommend that all the guys here take a look at that site. There's lots of good advice on there about dealing with women. Beware, though, if you're sensitive, because the writers there are fiercely anti-feminist.
Hey, no, I never read that blog until today. But I did read a few articles from it and I like it. It's very interesting and brutally honest.