Males and Females

I've got to say, I don't want to have sex with a woman who will fuck me on the first date. Also, that site is so over the top it's hilarious. All the "points" they keep giving boil down to nothing more than:
1. Be honest with yourself
2. Keep an air of mystery
3. Be flirty when you want
4. Don't let anyone walk over you
5. Don't chase anyone all the fucking time.
BAM, all the points of teasing and dating with none of the pretentious douchery.

That children's game article is hilarious. "This fucking bitch loves skipping over cracks, that means I'll get to fuck her straight tonight!"

At least I learned two hilarious turns of phrase: indentured betatude & the sperg herd.
I'm sure there is some pickup artist blog out there that doesn't make tons of posts playing on simple (and obvious) psychology, belittle women, think a woman is dtf when she isn't, come up with stupid ideas that would probably only work on women with IQs no greater than 80, and in the process, assert this alpha male persona that they ironically feel the need to justify.

Chateau Heartiste is not it, though.

Edit, here's an example of his justifying, which he does by insulting people against what he does:

I don't think I have met any self-proclaimed alpha male who didn't show any telltale signs of insecurity. They always exaggerated their victories, never admitted to any loss, but instead said something like "I could have fucked her but decided not to," and insulted anyone who would accuse them of being insecure by belittling them, rather than by proving that they are not insecure.
I find "pickup artists" amusing. They've created a so-called art to something that is basically what Vimana said, simple psychology.
I find it interesting how they use so many metaphors and obscure and long words. It's almost like they're trying to create a subconscious impression that what they do isn't simple in nature by making their method of telling it more complex and almost artful.

On a number of blogs and websites covering the story of Steve Jobs’ death, there was much consternation among the commentariat about a small anecdote from his personal life retold in his new biography.
I have a friend who's a virgin but totally sold on the pickup artist shit. Going out with him can be really annoying cause he only wants to hit on women. Apparently this is referred to as "sarging" and when you touch a girl that's called "keno." I find those terms hilarious. He never gets anywhere with women, partially because he comes on too strong and partially because he comes off as a little gay.

One time another friend and I were just sitting and talking while this guy was talking to a girl next to us. We overheard him start talking about how he sings in a choir as if that's impressive and started laughing so hard it disrupted their conversation.

Thing is, he's a really nice guy. Smart, sweet, and not at all the alpha-douche stereotype.
Use plentyoffish. It's got a shitload of people, and it's not as filled with whores like okcupid. The bulk of the messages I got from okcupid were from fat girls/whores who used small talk like "oh, you like cats, so do I."

I really think it depends on the area of the country. Both of them suck for my area IMO.
I have a friend who's a virgin but totally sold on the pickup artist shit. Going out with him can be really annoying cause he only wants to hit on women. Apparently this is referred to as "sarging" and when you touch a girl that's called "keno." I find those terms hilarious. He never gets anywhere with women, partially because he comes on too strong and partially because he comes off as a little gay.

One time another friend and I were just sitting and talking while this guy was talking to a girl next to us. We overheard him start talking about how he sings in a choir as if that's impressive and started laughing so hard it disrupted their conversation.

Thing is, he's a really nice guy. Smart, sweet, and not at all the alpha-douche stereotype.



A virgin pick-up artist?
I find "pickup artists" amusing. They've created a so-called art to something that is basically what Vimana said, simple psychology.

Precisely, alot of these techniques are built on simple psychology and understanding how the human mind works.

Unfortunately, alot of men always have had problems talking to women and PUAs cash in on this by forming it into a brutal anti-feminist movement that just simply builds on confidence in talking to women.
Pretty much every article I've read by a PUA self-proclaimed or otherwise was 10% useful advice that was really obvious, 20% retarded advice, 30% painting a picture of women as some kind of toy or game, and 40% pretentious language to make the whole thing seem less retarded.

Hell, maybe the retarded advice is there to keep people reading. If someone tries the retarded advice, it's probably not going to work, so next thing they do is go right back to the blog to read more.

Yes. Cincinnati is a black hole for this sort of thing. Hopefully things work out with Hot Nurse. That would be rad.

That would be, considering the selection of the typical women that exist in Ohio in my experience.
Pretty much every article I've read by a PUA self-proclaimed or otherwise was 10% useful advice that was really obvious, 20% retarded advice, 30% painting a picture of women as some kind of toy or game, and 40% pretentious language to make the whole thing seem less retarded.

Hell, maybe the retarded advice is there to keep people reading. If someone tries the retarded advice, it's probably not going to work, so next thing they do is go right back to the blog to read more.

That would be, considering the selection of the typical women that exist in Ohio in my experience.

There are more attractive women here than you've probably experienced, but I'm also not as picky as the average guy. Either way, there are enough colleges around here where attractive girls are ripe for the picking. In general, night life here sucks unless you're in or near downtown. Most of the women in my area (north of the city) have multiple kids from (sometimes) multiple fathers and they have baggage attached. No thanks.

That or they're fat, ugly or both.
Yes. Cincinnati is a black hole for this sort of thing. Hopefully things work out with Hot Nurse. That would be rad.
You live in a city with 2 million people, how bad can it be? I'm limited to about a 20K population that contains potential women to mack on(Which means, a lot of the people I mack on cold approach style knows someone I know LOL). I'd love to be in a metro area.

Actually, I've read your complaints about the dating scene there. I was just interested to know how hard it was to find single women in an urban environment?

^And for your post above: You could date those women with baggage with the sole purpose of getting laid. You bang them, and if you're tired of their personality, leave them. It's not perfect by any means, but it could help your sex life out.

I understand why you wouldn't want them for any long-term relationships. But if you can't get the women for long-term relationships, might as well enjoy women in some form.

Just friendly advice. :)
It's only hard in Cincinnati because you have to shut out the voice in your head that screams "WHY THE FUCK DO I LIVE HERE?" It takes a lot of effort, so dating is a lot harder to do.