Males and Females

yeah sometimes its best to just let what's done be done. I find it hard to be friends with ex's for my own reasons.
Glad you deleted her, you don't need any distractions or reminders. (Although I don't know the details - just my opinion.)

Ugh, just unfriended my ex on facebook because of some stupid and meaningless status she posted. I need her out of my life completely. I can't imagine a girl being more psychologically unhealthy for me. I don't think this friend shit is going to work.

Can I get an online dating lesson????

Everything I know about online dating, I learned from Cyth.
AUG, I swear you seem about 14 from some of the things you say.

Online dating is gay. I look shit in pictures but according to some girls I'm cute so fuck the internet. If you're too shy to talk to girls irl then whatever date you get set up via the internet is going to involve you looking at your shoes and them wishing they were somewhere else.
AUG, I swear you seem about 14 from some of the things you say.

Online dating is gay. I look shit in pictures but according to some girls I'm cute so fuck the internet. If you're too shy to talk to girls irl then whatever date you get set up via the internet is going to involve you looking at your shoes and them wishing they were somewhere else.

U mad?

Huh, wow...

okcupid lesson #1: single mothers are super sensitive about their little creatures and are apparently averse to hearing about something I like to call "reality."

okcupid lesson #2: avoid single mothers like the plague.

And single mothers wonder why they're undateable. Jesus...

What did you say to her?

Single mothers are a gamble. Worst odds ever.

Indeed. There is a very high percentage of them in this area and most of them are fucking crazy. It's a shame they are mostly attractive though.

I don't want to be a de facto dad for their kids, so I tend to avoid them too
AUG, I swear you seem about 14 from some of the things you say.

Online dating is gay. I look shit in pictures but according to some girls I'm cute so fuck the internet. If you're too shy to talk to girls irl then whatever date you get set up via the internet is going to involve you looking at your shoes and them wishing they were somewhere else.

That's discouraging....
Everyone should try it. It works for some people!! Haha
LOL Cythraul I totally can't wait to hear what you said. It is hard being a single parent, but easy to get an abortion!

Online dating is cool as long as the people don't lie about what they look like or how much they weigh.
Online dating is gay. I look shit in pictures but according to some girls I'm cute so fuck the internet. If you're too shy to talk to girls irl then whatever date you get set up via the internet is going to involve you looking at your shoes and them wishing they were somewhere else.

The problem isn't necessarily asking them out- it's finding people with similar interests- especially if you're out of school. If your goal is to find someone who is... fuck I don't know.... crazy about knitting, you're not going to necessarily meet them out and about in your generic public locations, they're probably going to be at home... knitting. The same could be said for other hobbies- reading, gaming, fuck... hiking is a public activity but the bitches would be out in the woods, good luck finding them. They're out there hiding from you! If you're looking for non-generic people you can't just go to the bar like you would to pick up just any slut.
Eh, day to day life doesn't really put me in a whole lot of contact with new people. I'm either working or sleeping most of the time and in free time either at a friends place or at home chilling out. Going out to drink/go to shows/etc can be fun, but rarely is worth the hassle and expense. Most of the time staying home and listening to an album is a better experience than seeing a live show and having to deal with generally obnoxious people.

Naturally, going out is a part of dating and necessary and acceptable before clubbing them and dragging them back to the cave, but having to go out just for the sake of a hit-or-miss meet someone is hardly an enticing proposal.
fuck... hiking is a public activity but the bitches would be out in the woods, good luck finding them..

Goddamn this is SO funny!

I agree with the "hard to find people who fit your qualifications in public" thing. I like loners. They don't make "loner bars."
I think people put way too much stock in stupid shit like what type of music someone likes, or what kind of tv they watch, etc. None of that shit matters when it comes to a good healthy relationship. I hate most of reality tv and shitty pop songs, but most chicks enjoy that type of thing. Does it make them a bad person, unintelligent, or "not my type?" Fuck no. What I care about is how religious (if at all) someone is, do they have goals or at least have some desire to make the most of their life and not want to be a slutty party chick. Are they intelligent, possess a good moral compass, care for important things that doesn't involve blowing loads of money on dumb pointless things. You know, shit like that.

That's the problem with these dating sites. Most people just post useless information, most of which is a lie, and become extremely picky with who they choose to interact with because they think they need to find someone who fits every single criteria they've been programed to believe is the foundation of a healthy relationship.
I think you need some things in common. You don't have to match on every level, but at least have compatible hobbies/interests. I used the example of knitting before not because I give a fuck about knitting, but it's something compatible with a homebody who is generally reading/gaming/jamming. What the hobbies are don't matter so much as the compatibility of said hobbies. Music is kind of a tricky one because it does radiate. Black Metal wouldn't go over too well with someone who doesn't at least like metal/hard rock on a basic level. I sure as fuck couldn't date anyone who liked hip hop.
Have you ever had a girlfriend or had sex or asked anyone out? You're SO picky dude. What if she likes hip-hop, but is open to listening to black metal? What if she likes "the lifestyle" and is a homebody with ambitions, but just doesn't care about music? What if she is 100% perfect but weighs 15 pounds more than you'd prefer?