man, arabic

update: i am pretty much finished with the basic arabic book and am about to begin arabic grammar lessons.

greg's sister helped me nail the pronunciation of ﻉ ("just talk like you're being strangled"). i told her i'd get the persian girl to help me with some other stuff because she speaks farsi and greg's sister was like "oh i speak farsi too." and greg's mom is like "farsi? what's a farsi?"

in contrast to my mother who, upon seeing me doing arabic exercises, immediately pounced and was like "are you going to join muslim seminary!". also in contrast to toby who heard me gargling out ﻍ and was like "dude are you okay"
okay, I finished the whole Arabic book I have. now I'm buying a grammar book. and, of course, at this point I have almost zero vocabulary. but I know how to look stuff up in the dictionary, mostly!

I managed to accurately transliterate the Fatiha (the Exordium) of the Qur'an, and read a map of the Middle East and North Africa that had all the country and city names in Arabic. slowly but surely!