

Crazy even without Drugs
well not that good but anyway - i wanna share them
it was a really nice gig
thanx for this !
biff said: we will play one more
and then the crowd said:

three more
four more
five more

- everyone knows this game :grin: -

biff said: hey remember that it´s for free
and the crowd said: YES !!! :rock: FOUR :rock: FREE !!!

unfortunately fritz was not there - i´m very sad about that - but we´ll see...

they played 2 or 3 songs from the new album and 2 or 3 old songs - can´t remember that - sorry

25€ for the longsleeve and 18€ for the t-shirt were the prices
- unfortunately i got no tour-poster argh - but that will be changed...

it was so nice there - the crowd was fantastic...

but here are the pix: klick on the small ones to see them in original size - btw there´s a little gimmick hidden in the pix - can you find it ? :tickled:

cu on the tour :wave:
GRRRRRRREAT small gig there, all right!

Great crowd, waaay cool performance (remember, it's 4free! ;-))
Had a great time!
Too bad, the interview was not audible that well...

Nice pics and nice to meet ya', Saxonator!
See ya' at WACKEN'05!



*who's still wondering 'bout the 'gimmick'*