Maryland Deathfest VI update

i'm sure we'll do a roll call on here before the fest. i'd like to meet some of you guys finally.

EDIT: can the mods start adding these new bands to the list in the first post? just so its easier to reference
latest bands announced:

Macabre - Illinois
Phobia - California
Defeated Sanity - Germany
Copremesis - New York
Decrypt - Indiana

The final band announcements will be coming pretty soon, including another headliner or two. Tickets will go on sale immediately after that.

Here's a current list of bands confirmed for MDF VI:

Grave - Sweden
Monstrosity - Florida
Repulsion - Michigan
Macabre - Illinois
Martyr - Canada
Deranged - Sweden
Impaled - California
Squash Bowels - Poland
Fuck...I'm Dead - Australia
Phobia - California
Hellnation - Kentucky
Disavowed - Netherlands
Gadget - Sweden
Defeated Sanity - Germany
Sublime Cadaveric Decomposition - France
Torsofuck - Finland
Coffins - Japan
Japanische Kampfhorspiele - Germany
Ghoul - Creepsylvania
Gruesome Stuff Relish - Spain
The Day Everything Became Nothing - Australia
Waco Jesus - Illinois
Sleep Terror - California
Engorged - Oregon
Behold...the Arctopus - New York
The Arson Project - Sweden
Afgrund - Sweden
Infected Malignity - Japan
Keitzer - Germany
Kalibas - New York
Defeatist - New York
Copremesis - New York
Decrypt - Indiana
Their first album was technical brutal death metal, now they're just dime a dozen really fast slam death. Yawn. Nick/CC likes both albums IIRC, but I only like the first (it does rule, though).