Maryland Deathfest VI update

i see. thanks. perhaps that will be the beer/food break. or hell, maybe itll juts give me an excuse to mosh for a bit.

i'd actually like to watch the good bands hehehe

whats the closest hotel to the venue?
a bunch of us could always pitch in for a room and bring alot of pads/sheets. a room at embassy suites split 10 ways works lol
Hm... well, I do have family in the area, but it'd probly be more fun just to pitch in for a communal hotel room with the rest of you nutcases.

I can't imagine anyone getting more than maybe 3 hours of sleep per night like that.
this is awesome, i'm always in maryland at this time anyway and i didnt know they had this, im definitely going

So, today I realized that my classes end the day before...what a fucking kickass way to end freshman year...death metal, grind, goregrind. SICK!

So, we doin' the hotel room or something? I'd be glad to put a few bucks in!
yeah, i'm down. i figured it we can get atleast 4 people it would be pretty cheap.

a 2 room suite at tremont suites (3 blocks from the club) is $210 a night. figure 3 (maybe 4) nights, split up. 630/4= 157 for 3 nights in a sweeeeet hotel. and ofcourse the price gets lower the more people we get.

how long we need the room for is somthing we should discuss. since i dont know when everyone plans to arrive. but i plan to get there mid day friday, check in, and then head over before the first band at 6.
I guarantee more than 4 people would be up for crashing.

I have the same plan as you, but it is dependent on my friend Dan (I do know he is absolutely going, though, it's like all he ever talks about)...Cookiecutter/Nick will PROBABLY be able to come with us, too.
it would be a good idea. but ive never heard of it selling out. especially at the sonar. i hear that place is huge!

more people= more fun. but i claim a bed! in exchange, i'll be happy to set it all up. you guys can just paypal me the money or somthin.

but we've probably got a few months before we really need to reserve the hotel. just not too close or theyll all be booked (garaunteed!)
Bring CD collections and partake in massive trading and selling.

On a related note I think I'm going to get the latest Martyr today.