MASTODON: DREAM THEATER 'Dress Gay' And 'Have A Little Chinese Girl Playing Bass'


Aug 31, 2003
Guitar World magazine interviewed MASTODON's Brent Hinds and Bill Kelliher for its November 2006 issue. An excerpt from the chat follows:

Guitar World: Let me posit something: You guys definitely have prog elements to your sound, and yet you're exciting and valid — you're cool. Why do you think you're cooler than a band like, say, DREAM THEATER?

Hinds: "Because we don't have a little Chinese girl playing bass! [laughs]"

Guitar World: Yikes!

Hinds: "And they dress all gay, too. I mean, look at them: they wear those cheesy leather pants. The lead singer especially: he's got that really gay thing going on with his hair. Plus, he sings like a fucking opera singer and shit. Their hair, their clothes, their music...They're gay."

Guitar World: Now, wait a second. Are you calling DREAM THEATER a "Brokeback" band? Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Hinds: "No, I don't mean 'gay' like that. I just [laughs]"

Kelliher: "I think what might make us 'cool' and them 'uncool' is the lack of egos in our band. We don't try to show off our amazing versatility every second."

that's not cool, you don't fuck with Myung. He doesn't get enough love as it is for being "the bass player"

They all do look pretty gay though, no doubt.
Whatever. Calling another band gay is simply immature as a musician. Also, he avoided the fucking question.
this is the kind of shit that doesn't need to be going crazy on the net like on freakin blabbermouth. so the guy was a lil unprofessional in the way he described dream theater, doesn't mean they have to banter and go crazy about it. people call DT pussies, gay, etc. just as they call mastodon shit as well. everyone in the business is gonna get shit from someone. whoever did the interview might have wanted to cut out that part.
I think both bands have their moments, but it's still a pretty unprofessional thing to say in an interview, unless they know each other and it's an in-joke...

Either way I doubt Dream Theater give a damn and I doubt they'd get their (leather) trousers in a twist over it.
I like Mastodon and Dream Theater as well. Both are amazing live. Hopefully the guys in DT won't take Mastodon seriously. So James Labrie "he sings like a fucking opera singer and shit." So what, he can sing and is talented. Calling James Myung "a little Chinese girl playing bass!" is uncalled for. Myung KICKS ASS and in my opinion a whole lot better than Troy Sanders on Bass. As for Mastodon "I think what might make us 'cool' and them 'uncool' is the lack of egos in our band. We don't try to show off our amazing versatility every second." This may be true, but it works for Dream Theater. Oh Well, to each his own.