MASTODON: DREAM THEATER 'Dress Gay' And 'Have A Little Chinese Girl Playing Bass'

Politely? I've told you at least 4 times I fell asleep to DT's set at Gigantour. I think Manowar would be better set at yelling it at them.
Exsequor said:

...And this isnt gay??
Metal is the correct word.
There was an 8-page thread on this at the Mike Portnoy forum...people were freaking out. So silly. Here's Mike's response:

I wasn't gonna chime into this thread, but then figured I should just to help cool things off...

a) Brann (the drummer) is still a bro and has already emailed me apologizing for the other guy's stupid remarks...

b) Brent is simply a "dont give a shit" guy who rarely speaks seriously and could care less what people think or say about him or what he says (this isn't a Neil Peart interview we're getting worked up over here!!) - but Brann did tell me he felt bad and apologized...

c) Re-read the question that provoked this was totally a loaded question trying to provoke an insult towards us...if anything, the magazine are the real a**holes for asking such a stupid question.

But really, stuff like this (and Metal Sludge, etc) can't be taken seriously...they are just trying to get a rise....

d) I could care less about any of this...I still totally dig this band...

The cold reality is:

I'm very used to DT being ragged on by other bands for not being "cool"...
Hey, we are not at all a part of that whole OzzFest/Headbanger's Ball we are definitely "outsiders" to them all...

Plus I know we're not exactly everybody's cup of tea to begin with anyways....

And on the other side of the coin, the rest of the guys in DT have never even heard Mastodon, Lamb Of God, Shadows Fall, Opeth and 90% of the metal bands out there right now..

I'm the only one that pays attention to that whole scene...

So it's not like they aren't detached from "our" world as well...

The reality is, we don't really "fit in" anywhere...

We're too prog for the real metalheads and we're too metal for the prog purists.

That's why we all (including you DT fans) kind of exist in this own little bubble of our own!
And I've come to accept and embrace this fact....

And for every Mastodon, Children of Bodom and Blind Melon potshot we get, they are WAY outweighed by the compliments and respect we get from everybody from Rush to Iron Maiden to Steve Vai to Avenged Sevenfold to the Dixie Dregs to Megadeth to Yes, etc. etc. etc.

Different strokes for different folks...

And now life goes on here in the Forum.....

Oasis is so good.

stand up beside the fireplace, take that look from off your face!
cause you aint ever gonna burn my heart ouuuuuuuuuuuut
Cephalopod said:
And for every Mastodon, Children of Bodom and Blind Melon potshot we get, they are WAY outweighed by the compliments and respect we get from everybody from Rush to Iron Maiden to Steve Vai to Avenged Sevenfold to the Dixie Dregs to Megadeth to Yes, etc. etc. etc.


what did blind melon say?
"Guitar for the Practicing Musician" - January 1994

"Pull Me Under"
Images And Words
Dream Theater (ATCO/East-West)

Christopher: This could be metal at any moment--I'm just warning everybody.
Rogers: Either that or it could build up into a power ballad.
C: I feel like we might have to excuse ourselves here for a second. We might
have to leave.
R: This is one of those guitar sounds that when he hits a note, about a million
lights jump up on his guitar rig.
C: Any minute now there is gonna be a squealy.
R: Is this, like, Queensryche?
C: If it is, let's turn it off right away because I hate that band.
R: Hate it. This is the kind of music you listen to right when you start to get
your pubic hairs.
C: I can't even be fair to this music, I hate it so bad. I can't even sit
through one song. I know I'm not being fair but I think it is complete
garbage. That sort of guitar playing is just stupid.
R: If I want to hear a metal band I really like old Black Sabbath and
Soundgarden, heavy bands with brains. If I were listening to an angry metal
band I would be more into Rage Against the Machine or Sugar. I like that
Sugar record a lot, I like Sonic Youth a lot. That's heavy, guitar based
music that I listen to.
C: Playing fast for the sake of fast is hideous. I hate that whole mentality of
sitting around playing scales and cock-rock crap.
R: I heard some squealies. I don't really like that sound either. I'm not into
those guitar sounds. When I hear that stuff I get feeling squeamish.
Guitar: That was Dream Theater.
C: We'll remember not to buy that record. I bet they have really nice hair...
now I'm being mean.
R: This is just our opinion. There's a lot of people that like Dream Theater and
that's fine. They get off on it--good for them. They'll probably hate us,
maybe they won't.
C: They probably do because we sound like we're playing sloppy. But that's
alright, that's a different thing. We're just coming from a different space.
R: In no way do we condemn this sort of music. These people have a right to
C: Just keep it the hell away from us.
[on to the other songs.]
John Petrucci's Response to Blind Melon's Interview:

I find it really weird that somebody would say that about me or Dream
Theater because a couple of guys in the band are into Smashing Pumpkins,
Nirvana, Pearl Jam, and the like. It's just the same crap I heard at
Berklee, where you had the jazzers vs. the rockers, who always argued and
fought with each other. Without sounding too idealistic, it's all music and
hopefully there is a quality in all styles that can reach you. Condemning
another genre is something I would never do. And for the record, the
members of Dream Theater are definitely not stuffy prog-rockers who condemn
songs if they're not in 9/8 time. That's ridiculous! We're into all
different styles. I listen to a lot of different things myself:
classical music from Beethoven, Bartok, and Ravel, jazz from cats like
pianist Billy Taylor and non-traditional jazz from John Scofield and Mike
Stern, who's a monster. And then I dig metal, too- Rage Against the
Machine, Metallica, Alice in Chains, and so on. Of course, I'm not going
to say that I listen to everything; I don't particularly care for rap or
country-pop. Then again, I really try to have a diverse listening palette.
It helps me keep an open mind to music.