Kvlt Wench
sews no mercy
Don't you fucking dare compare Manowar to Dream Theater.
Manowar are the epitome of manliness and the kings of fucking metal, whereas Dream Theater are a bunch of nap-inducing fags. Blasphemy!

lolWolftribe said:I believe DT would be amongst the people that Manowar politely asks to leave the hall.
Kvlt Wench said:Compliments from Avenged Sevenfold? You KNOW they're good now!
Cephalopod said:And for every Mastodon, Children of Bodom and Blind Melon potshot we get, they are WAY outweighed by the compliments and respect we get from everybody from Rush to Iron Maiden to Steve Vai to Avenged Sevenfold to the Dixie Dregs to Megadeth to Yes, etc. etc. etc.