math question


Tyrant in Distress
Okay, we all know infinity divided by anything is equal to infinity, and anything divided by zero is undefined. So what is infinity divided by zero? Is it infinity or undefined?

Ok, lame joke interesting tidbit of info for everyone to spew chunks about. I have a friend who rather enjoys DNB. This same friend today played a Britney Spears song followed by a lounge singer followed by the title track from DNB. Very interesting fellow, to say the least. He wants to send me some Mexican rap band that alternates between rap and big-band sound. And I thought I liked strange music.

Well, I'm really tired and that is obvious by now. I'm going to Oklahoma for 8 days starting tomorrow, so I won't be around. I'll try to check in from time to time and post more random nonsensical bullshit for y'all to waste time reading.

undefined, because asking how many times 0 goes into 5 would be the same as asking how many times it goes into infinity. No matter how many zeros you have, it still can not go into other numbers, and infinity is just every number.

Amazing! This thread actually made me think.
Originally posted by famousamoswillkillyou
That's some deep shit.
...and it's math...that's scary...Usually deep stuff has to do with dtugs and various aspects and complexities of the human mind(now you can tell that I'm just taking big smart sounding words and putting them together in sentances...I'm not smart and my head is starting to hurt)...
Originally posted by [KOTNO]Narrot
actually it is like, we know that a divided b multiplied by a is a. a divided by 0 multiplied by 0 = a?

A(A/B)=AxA/B. A(A/B)=A. I assume you meant to write that since you wrote it the correct way the second time. (A/0) is still undefined so you can't have 0(A/0). It is not possible to divide by zero so you cannot divide by zero and then multiply by zero.
Q= M+8- the quantity of M squared.

1. What is that referring to? What is Q and what is M?

2. Math starts getting deep when you get into infinity.

3. Why aren't I signed in?
Originally posted by TrueBeliever

A(A/B)=AxA/B. A(A/B)=A. I assume you meant to write that since you wrote it the correct way the second time. (A/0) is still undefined so you can't have 0(A/0). It is not possible to divide by zero so you cannot divide by zero and then multiply by zero.

i wanted to show how senseless jimbob's point is...

it's just the same as:

a/b*b = a
a/0*0 = a?

i fucked it up...sorry....
"a/0*0 = a?"
Nope. That's undefined. When doing algebra you go from left to right so the first thing you run across is a/0 which is undefined. You are then left with undefined*0 which again is undefined. Or, on you calculator E.
Frostgiant is correct, and I have seen pi, which was a cool premise but I do not believe that everything in life follows a pattern.
Yeah, I'm not a big fan of that either. It seems too easy. Of course it has not yet been disproved. And my job depends on that nice pattern. So I guess I'll keep following the pattern. :)

BTW, all music is based on mathematical patterns too so I guess it's not that bad.