Mattias Marklund


I think it's time to honor the most forgotten man in "Vintersorg", Supervisor Mattias Marklund!!!

I have read a lot of reviews of the latest album, but only found one which mention his name...
I think it's very sad... he does a great job IMO, take "The Explorer" for example, he does a great job on lead.

Even if Vintersorg writes all music and lyrics, I think it's time to honor this man for all the work he's done in Vintersorg and Otyg, what do you think?
About fucking time, yes! >:eek:)

I'm _still_ annoyed by the mr. V thing in
the NP thread! Lol... I need a life...

But seriously, Mattias Marklund has helped
Vintersorg doing what we all enjoy and
listen to :eek:)

This man has been very anonymous...
What does he do? What other band does
he play in, if any, (cause I can't remember)?

Now Morg, it's up to you to post some
livepics of him! >:eek:)
Right Morg, it was time especially when you consider that Mattias is watching us here ( :wave: @ Mattias)

We obviously don't know much about his role in Vintersorg.....but I did a little research on the net and found an older interview (from the time when Cosmic Genesis was released) where mr V speaks about Mattias' part in the band:

As difficult as it may have been, this time around, the one-man band had a co-conspirator: long-time Vintersorg friend Mattias Marklund. The songwriter explains Marklund's contributions as such: "Well, I'm still writing all the lyrics and the music, but he wrote the guitar lead parts. You know, he's doing nearly all; I'm just doing one or two guitar solos. He's doing the other stuff, and he wrote what he's going to play there and he's a really good guitarist. And why I invited him in the band was like, we've been playing together for 10 years, and known each other for 15 or 16 years or something like that, so we've been quite close companions and partners in crime in music (laughs). We have another folk-rock type band called Otyg; that's also on Napalm Records. We've had this band going for like six years I think, we've released two albums (and) we're going to record a new album this year. And before that band, we've played in many different kind of black and death metal bands. So it was a really kind of a natural process to have him in the band as we spend a lot of time together as friends and we have quite the same view about many things in the more spiritual side of mankind and just in life in general."

The whole interview which is rather long and interesting can be found here
btw: why Mattias don't post on this forum. sometimes i seen a guy with nick MARKLUND who was registered in novemeber 2001 (if i remember), but he haven't got any post... strange... ;)
Some cheesy 80s video game. "Vargatron - The Revenge of the Vargs". Or maybe the inofficial successor to "Tron". ;)
yeah, mattias solo work is indeed damn good, one of the coolest thing on VFTSG are the solo's of mattias en vintersorg on universums dunkla alfabet!!, mattias is much faster but it sounded so cool!
But when mattias came to wintersorrow, andreas strated to sing very light (swenglish) and i think mattias have som strange influence, don´t you think soo?
Hey! Someone may have the opinion that Mattias' influence in the band is not so good. And, different opinions make sense, understood???? Or must we all ask ourselves questions about his/her sanity since he/her disagrees with the majority????
I know that film very well- when I was little (about 5 or 6) I used to have that on audio tape, listened to it alot (It was a 30 min version, narrated with sound effects and voice clips from the movie). Only actually seen the movie once, it was kinda lame (it was only a few years ago), but cool to see it. Baddly designed costumes though, you could see the stitching in the suits of these supposedly digital characters.....