Maudlin of the Well dissing Opeth

I think if someone is interviewing you, they want your opinion on the germanities. I think mention of Opeth was relevant considering the direction of the interview, and it would be harmful to readers if I were complacent with my opinions about this highly pervasive band.
TrevJ said:
Example of Opeth cut and paste:

Black Rose Immortal at 4:04. The song just stops dead like it's over, and then some totally unrelated acoustic bit comes in after some silence. Seriously, if you didn't know it was one song, you'd probably think you were listening to a new song.

After the first two albums though, I think Opeth's songs really started to flow for the most part. Still, Toby's comment is not without merit.
In Opeth's defence, they don't refer to their music as songs, but movements, and it is hardly cut and paste, but more a different section of a song, which still fits into the same theme. Lots of bands do this from time to time (listen to Polyethaline by Radiohead) but Opeth use this technique more often.

[Edit]: Thanks to this thread I just checked out Maudlin of the Well, and really liked their music. So thanks to whoever said they're awsome.

They remind me of Dream Theater, but without the bullshit.
ok everyone. this reeks of utter stupidity. so toby said something bad about opeth. big friggin deal. he happens to be very opinionated. so fucking what. i have known him for over ten years and he continually disses bands i am into. grow up people. we're not saying "fuck opeth." he's just sharing an opinion but because he is in a band it makes it that much worse? Have you all seen opeth live? i have and you know what i loved them. thats right they put on an amazing show and guess what? i am going to see them this friday and guess what else? i am in motw/kayo dot so obviously if you are going to diss on the entire band because of something one person said then you are all being ignorant.

Do i think we're God's gift to music? No. Do I think we are better than Opeth compositionally? I prefer us over opeth but saying we're better is pointless because obviously there are a lot of people here who feel contrary. so who is right? No one so get over it.

If you are going to get mad at things one of us said about opeth then you all better get mad at metal maniacs too for saying that we were making music "Opeth could only dream of making."

its just opinions people. get over yourselves.
ooh hot thread! i want a piece of this.

whenever someone in a band gets quoted its because someone asked them a question and recorded their answer, and then shared the portion of that answer they thought readers would be *interested* in. what you see has more to do with what the 'journalist' would like to say about the band than what the band would. the guys from gayo dot probably dont want to talk about opeth at all, which is why there are so few threads about opeth on their faggy elitist forum. critics and critical (as in full of criticism not having critical skills) listeners make assumptions about bands all the time, about the many things they assume the band is 'trying to do' with their music, when such a clever, discreet agenda is probably the farthest thing in the world from the actual music-making process.
FuSoYa said:
This thread is a perfect example of why your scene fucking sucks.

I must admit, the Opeth "scene" ain't that bad. motW is easily one of my favorite bands, and I would've never found out about the project if the Opeth fans hadn't recommended them to me. Really, as a whole, i find Opeth fans to like a LOT more variety of music than in most scenes, it's just when it comes to anyone saying anything critical about Opeth, they get REALLY defensive, which is somewhat sad.

I also have to thank Opeth fans for introducing me to teh almighty Ephel Duath.
let's put this "issue" to rest
who cares
I do think Opeth is a fucking great band
but there's a lot of people who don't

But at the same time if Mike from Opeth said something negative in an interview about MOTW, I'm sure many of the people on their message board would react in a similar way. That's not an insult to them or their fans, but it's just how a lot of people are about things they like.
Maudlin blow donkey balls.....
I listened to their music and I was bored to hell...
They don't come CLOSE to what Opeth is.
Fucking stupid cuntrags....
Kaberonie said:
Maudlin blow donkey balls.....
I listened to their music and I was bored to hell...
They don't come CLOSE to what Opeth is.
Fucking stupid cuntrags....

the forums listed in your sig make me wonder what i've been missing out on...
totally lol....

for me maudlin are just a piss poor bunch of sigur ros/godspeed! you black emperor wannabes creating piss poor bollocks. So opeth use dynamics better than they do? its not something to bother making a fuss over. They can keep their pussy flutes.
FuSoYa said:
This thread is a perfect example of why your scene fucking sucks.

you sir are a dick.

we put some maudlin of the well on. a roomful of people fell about laughing, uttering "what is this shit?" and then "turn it off", and that was about as far as the conversation went. For fairness sake I forced myself to listen to about 20 minutes of your meaningless, ambling, piss-poor pseudo-intellectual bollocks, bored myself half to fuck (when I wasn't laughing at the hideous production, terrible songwriting and laughable musicianship) and promptly deleted the files from my hard drive, pleased in the knowledge that I will never, ever, have to listen to maudlin of the well again. ever.
Now I don't really consider myself a fanboy - I'll be the first to say when a much-loved band releases a pile of wank (arch enemys latest, for instance) but for anyone connected with such an utterly terrible waste of effort such as maudlin of the well to come onto this forum and bitch like a 12 year old girl, because the obligatory fanboys got pissed off (as always happens) must take a lot of anti-balls.

At the end of the day, you're in maudlin of the well.

I think you've suffered enough. :wave:
This thread is RETARDED. I don't care what toby says, he sounds like a fucking asswad... if he doesn't like opeth thats fine... but hee should SHUT UP ABOUT IT... because many people do and its offensive to them when they read his stupid foundless arguement... i don't care who the better band is, its irrelevant.

I love opeth and i keep an open mind to MoTW, because music speakes louder than the petty words of critics trying to cover their lack of balls my dissing older bands.

I don't like slayer... but i don't go around dissing them because i know they've had a huge influence on bands i love.

I laugh at dissing because it means NOTHING.