Maudlin of the Well dissing Opeth

this guy just wants attention for his band, simple as that.....theres no need for those kinds of statements, youd figure if their music was as great as they make it seem (the obscure prog geeks are sure talking up a storm) he'd having something better to say than comment on how he dislikes another bands songwriting process, give me a fucking break.....didnt one of those bands in the sanitarium tour throw a tantrum like this during one of his interviews? lame
BigFakeSmile said:
whenever someone in a band gets quoted its because someone asked them a question and recorded their answer, and then shared the portion of that answer they thought readers would be *interested* in. what you see has more to do with what the 'journalist' would like to say about the band than what the band would.

Actually, I didn't change a single word of Toby's answers in the entire interview.. I corrected a grand total of two spelling mistakes, but Toby expressed himself so eliquently I had no need to change anything. Hence what you are reading there is our exact conversation pasted from an email - I haven't left anything out or addeed anything. And with all my interviews, even if I have to change a lot because the person I'm interviewing doesn't have as highly developed English skills as Toby, I keep the meaning exactly the same, and send them a copy before posting it to check they are happy with the changes I've made.

Hence in this case, everything I wanted to say is expressed in my prose, not by editing Toby's answers, so I don't think your argument stands in this case. Feel free to disagree with me, but I for one would never, I repeat, never edit someones answers in an interview to change their meaning to what I think they should say.

If I did, I would have probably deleted those three words just to avoid such a large fuss over one person's perfectly valid opinion. But I believe in freedom of speech, so...

BigFakeSmile said:
the guys from gayo dot probably dont want to talk about opeth at all, which is why there are so few threads about opeth on their faggy elitist forum. critics and critical (as in full of criticism not having critical skills) listeners make assumptions about bands all the time, about the many things they assume the band is 'trying to do' with their music, when such a clever, discreet agenda is probably the farthest thing in the world from the actual music-making process.

I never mentioned Opeth, or anyone else I consider influences on Maudlin's music in the interview, and Toby only mentioned them in one sentence. Yes, that's one sentence in what is quite a hefty interview, so please don't throw this out of all proportion.

In fact, I think I made relatively few assumptions about the groups music throughout the interview, and any I did make were corrected by Toby through his answers. So, I hope that will have changed your very cynical view of interviews, if only for ones I have written

Funny thing is on the motw forum, they released a sample of their new album containing five songs played at the same time and their fan boy's lapped it up. HA.
I like music that is good because it is good, not so i can say 'hey look at me listening to a band no one knows, playing 15034 different instruments in unconventional time signatures and don't get it do you, small minded simpleton pffft.'

well see i am not really caring if anyone likes opeth better than us. in fact i would definitely expect it because there is no one best band out there and either you like what we do or you don't. we are not the be all end all of music and we certainly don't try to be.

I think the reason you guys roused such a response from our members is not because we were sad and crying because someone said they don't like us because that has happened alot before.

If someone says they think we suck live then i might agree with them somewhat because we have not really developed a live sound for ourselves, if someone says they don't like our music then it doesn't really phase me.

BUT when you take something that someone said in an interview and interpret it almost as if it was a statement saying that "opeth fans suck" then use it as an excuse to bash my band then i get pissed.

Words and music are two different things people. You can get mad at Toby for insulting your favorite band i can understand that. But to then use it as an excuse to bash us bothers me because it cheapens the fucking hard work that every single member of this band has put into it over the years.

And to imply that we somehow are jealous fo opeth is fucking wrong on so many counts. We couldn't do what we do if it wasn't for opeth. They opened up the doors for bands who wanted more intelligence and new sounds in their music to be heard in the metal scene. I am happy for all their success and I am happy to see them getting big. But it doesn't mean that we have like what they do musically now or not share our opinions on them if it is negative. So Toby's statement came from his own personal feelings about what he thought about Opeth's direction musically and he can't be faulted for expressing his opinion just because it goes against your own.

And as for us i don't feel jealous as well because you see i have already achieved my goals with this band. I get to make interesting music that i love, travel around the country playing gigs with my best friends, i get to meet really cool people along the way, and most importantly(based on e-mails i have gotten) i have been able to make music that apparently has touched people and affected them in a positive way which in my opinion rules.

So we are not getting all defensive because someone thinks we suck. We are responding because of the immaturity shown in the comments.
FuSoYa said:
This thread is a perfect example of why your scene fucking sucks.
FuSoYa said:
Yeah, um didn't David win that fight?

My interpretation of the original comments made in the interview are that they displayed a high level of arrogance and immaturity and these above comments hardly seem to persuade me to alter that opinion. Personally i appreciate what your band does more than enjoy itbut that is beside the point.

Opeth have put in every ounce of effort that you have and for another band to say that they have poor song writing skills (in indirect terms) is not any less damaging to them than if a member of this forum says that your songs are boring is to your band.

Personally i think that the cut and paste comment....may be valid in some instances but opeth has some excellent transitions between segments and undeniably the vast majority of their music flows very well...and dare i say at least as well as your stuff.

If opeth opened the doors for you, why not show some respect and gratiude instead of digging the boots in when you get half a chance.

These kinds of comments are made regularly by bands and to me they seem to imply that the band is saying oh we are so much better than xxxx yet they get the attention. They don't do x and x as good as us. How fucked is the music scene today that a shit band like x gets all the praise and we get nothing. It is a very common thing to be said, i was reading a korn interview when they payed out limp bizkit for being pop-metal crap which was funny.

generic death band A bags generic death band b bags slipknot bags korn bags limp bizkit bags linkin park bags creed.....creed....ehehe yeah.

If you want to avoid these kinds of situations in the future (which i am assuming you do due to your strong response to this thread)... your band seems to try to exhude a certain profesionalism and maturity in it's music, perhaps display that same level of professionalism in your dealings with the public.
To reinforce what Greg said: grow the fuck up, guys.

And Moonlapse, for some reason I expected just a wee bit more from you. I'm not sure why, as I don't really talk to you. Just thought I'd let you know.
Dusk said:
If you want to avoid these kinds of situations in the future (which i am assuming you do due to your strong response to this thread)... your band seems to try to exhude a certain profesionalism and maturity in it's music, perhaps display that same level of professionalism in your dealings with the public.
I think I agree with this.
Greg didn't make that comment about Opeth, I did. So direct your comments towards me and not my band members.

So a musician is expected to be more restrained, polite, emotionally repressed, etc than someone who isn't a musician? Placing the musician on a pedestal and expecting them to be on a level above normal function is starry-eyed and contributes too damn much to stultifying music fans and subcultures (such as this forum here). If you immediately think that Mikael is going to be your friend because you like his band, you are wrong. He probably thinks most of you are huge dorks and babies.

Incidentally, Opeth has publicly stated many times that they don't work hard, that they're lazy, that they don't rehearse, etc. To state that Opeth has worked just as hard as any other band is uneducated speculation.

And declaring jealousy is also not correct. I would like for music I make to open people's minds a bit -- if my music ever induced the same zombified dicksucking that Opeth's music has evoked in many of you, I think I would die from having puked too many times.
wank·er ( P ) Pronunciation Key (w
n. Chiefly British Vulgar Slang
  1. A person who masturbates.
  2. A detestable person.
...and in this case i am particularly refering to you.

You obviously have the opinion that you are above the rest of us due to your status as a 'musician'.... 'it would be harmful to readers if I were complacent with my opinions about this highly pervasive band' Why?? because you think we should give a shit what you have to say. If this isn't the case why even do interviews in the first place.

Whether you like it or not you are in the public eye...sort of, and what you say is open to scrutiny like this. If you don't want to be called a dick when you say petty shit like this then don't say it....which i believe was the original point.

Yes, perhaps mikael thinks we are geeks and dorks. I couldn't care less. Though i would say he'd think you're a bigger geek and dork (and probably is right)... *cough*3,645 posts*cough*

Opeth (and you'll find i think it would be mikael mor specifically...DONT SAY ALL HIS BAND WHEN IT WAS JUST HIM!!!) have never said they don't work hardm they have said they don't practise. Though I think if you have seen them live you might be inclined to think that this is just talk. Yeah go my zombified dick sucking skills. An album every year for 7 years isn't working hard??? As well as world scale tours??? As well as shit loads more interviews??? shyeah.

Zombified dick sucking??? if opeth released a sample of 5 different songs playing at the same time i think i could tell it was shit thanks very much seems i can't say the same for your fan's.

least while your busy dieng from puking we wont have to read the shit spewing from your yeah that didn't make sense but bleh.
Grow up eh?

*looks for protein shake*
*doesn't find one*
*looks contemplative*
*smiles and pops a Mentos into mouth*
*masturbates and drinks the results*
*smiles at camera and brandishes Mentos package*

*walks away in shame*