oh.... funny you are asking... i did something crazy once, to see KISS live...
(kiss is my fav band)
they played a gig in September 2000 in Montreal, Canada and i live in Toronto, so i basicly took a ride on a hippie Van with some idiots from my hood (god what a wierd ride that was.... 7 hours i thought im going to die 1000 times... they had more weed than brain cells thats for sure.. )
anyhoo, when i fially got there, and saw the gig (it was AMAZING needless to say)
i stood at the backstage for another 3 hours to wait to Gene Simmons, he showed up for 5 seconds, i shoock his hand, just to realise that those damn hippies (oh, and i mean it- they are hippies... like retro ones... eew... smelly too... )
forgot me and left to Toronto without meeee! *weaps*
... (what did i tell ya? no brain cells)
so you know what i did? a TO girl all alone in the big city of Montreal?
i took a flight back, payed fucking 300$, and that is the most crazy thing i have ever done to get to a gig.
oh, thanks for asking, it was a GREAT show