MAYH - One Continuous Bliss


Logic Dictates
Oct 20, 2001
Pittsburgh, Pa
Out of all 5 Opeth cds, this one to me is the best, period. Why do I think that way? Because...

1. Prologue - the classical haunting opening of those few, but awesome piano notes...

2. then the thrashing intensity of April Ethereal steps in...

3. Is this amazing soft interlude of strings going to continue...NO - it is like, "someone threw a brick straight through my brain" = WHEN!

The questioning...When...

4. Interlude again = Madrigal...(reminds me of Sabbath and how they would start off a song with mellow strings and then...all hell would break loose...and then the ever shifting opening of...

5. "Can I have an Amen?" - The Amen Corner (they don't let up, do they?)...this song changes so many times, yet all the parts sum up the whole.

6. What can be said about Demon of the Fall - Awesome, just pure awesome. The opening, the acoustic away, run away into...

7. Credence = Without a doubt, I believe, one of Opeth's finest songs and their best acoustical song - bar none....but just when you thought it was safe to go back into the water...BAM!

8. Karma! - I believe this track is one of Opeth's most overlooked - An excellent track indeed, no drop off in quality all the way into this fine piece of music...and then to end it all with an...

9. Epilogue - This Pink Floydish/Eaglish song sums it all up without ever speaking a word. I love this ending - soul and heart combined to make greatness.

My Arms Your Hearse....Listen to again, for the first time.
It's an incredible journey, moreso than any other Opeth album. I can't think them as separate songs...

The latter half of The Amen Corner takes the cake. Quite possibly the most dramatic piece of music Opeth ever created.
Well put my friend.

MAYH is my favorite also, and hardly a day goes by that I don't listen to Credence. I cannot put into words how much I love that song. Turn the lights out, light up some candles and crank up Credence - shit, it just doesn't get any better than that.

Primordial Terror Injector
MAYH was the first Opeth album I got. It took me a while to recognize it for what it was. But when I finally realized, I fell in love with it. To this day it's still my favourite Opeth album, and probably one of my favourite (if not THE favourite) metal albums.
The best ALBUM ever.
there isnt a single second that doesnt fit in to this album.

Some people make progressive songs, others make progressive albums... Opeth do both at the same time, quite spectacular.
It's great. Especially April Etheral. Holy fuck that is heavy.

Still life is my favourite, for sure... but MAYH is a close second.
I can't help but question those who are not in love with this album, it is my favorite.
From the delicate start of Prologue into the heart-pounding crushing thunder of April Ethereal...this album blows many away in it's wake. And that's just the beginning! (More verbal masturbation for MAYH - I fucking love it! :heh: )
to see that there are plenty of us who think MAYH is their best.

Karma! The most overlooked song on this cd...come on Opeth fans...listen to it...

"Aaaahhhh....ahhhh! I have gone away!"

If that part of the song doesn't send tingles down your spine, you can't be a true Opeth fan! (j/k) but this song is overlooked and is fucking awesome.
MAYH - fantastic. I've given up trying to put Opeth's albums into any sort of order, so I'll just say that it's in my top 5 Opeth albums.

These are my favourite moments of MAYH:

Prologue is so simple, and yet sets the scene so well.
Demon of the Fall: talk about the refuse hitting the windmill, or words to that effect.
Very end of Karma: so high tempo, the continuous "aaarrrgghhh"-ing sounds so good
Epilogue rounds it off, and is nearly all solo-ed.
And then Remember Tomorrow for a bonus track - one of Iron Maiden's best, and done so well.
I feel like being a party-pooper :grin:, although JCP gave detailed reasons why MAYH is his favorite.

I've listened to each Opeth album in it's entirety twice over the past two days, and I've decided it's pointless to pick favorites - period. Each of us will give a different reason why we like an album or song. If I Was to list Opeth albums from favorite to least favorte : BWP, MAYH, Still Life, Orchid, Morningrise.

But it could change - it probably will.