

Aug 12, 2003
NJ, usa
I've noticed that a large percentage of the fans here favor MAYH over the other recordings. I was curious as to why this is, beside the fact that the songs are great? Don't get me wrong, the album is very good, but how is it better than say Still Life? I want to hear opinions for only those who favor MAYH the most.
It's not my favourite Opeth album (Morningrise is), although it is very special to me as it was my first Opeth purchase. I think that it rates above Still Life for the atmosphere and the emotion behind each song. Very haunting album. Still Life is dark, but in an enlightened way. MAYH is just evil sounding. Pure and simple.
MAYH is easily and by far Opeth's greatest album. This is an objective, universal fact. It has the greatest range of emotion and expression, its beautiful yet haunting and all the songs are not only individually perfect, but flow coherently into one undividable masterpeice of musical vision. Fact. In fact, not at all like any other Opeth album, actually.

*cough cough cough *splutter*bull*splutter* cough cough cough*
That's down to a matter of opinion. The one thing I hate about the album, listening to it now, is that it is way too short. Every other Opeth album is just right time-wise . MAYH... always leaves me feeling empty by the end. I want more.
  • The beautiful guitar melodies throughout
  • The amazing atmosphere - the way it keeps changing
  • The way it builds up and then climaxes and then falls again
  • Mikael's clean vocals are better on this album than any other
  • The consistancy of the songs (all are brilliant)
  • The way each song runs into the next
  • The lyrics
  • The drum-sound
  • The replay value
MAYH used to be the most hated on here.
Guardian of Darkness said:
  • The beautiful guitar melodies throughout
  • The amazing atmosphere - the way it keeps changing
  • The way it builds up and then climaxes and then falls again
  • Mikael's clean vocals are better on this album than any other
  • The consistancy of the songs (all are brilliant)
  • The way each song runs into the next
  • The lyrics
  • The drum-sound
  • The replay value

IE, all Opeth albums except Orchid. =)
Except for D&D Mayh is the one I care least for. it is a great album and so on but I feel something is missing on it, it feels short... but I strongly agree on that mikaels clean voice is the best on it!
As compared to the others, it's quite heavy and provides a wide range of sounds while having a greater level of cohesion between sections and songs. I really like the darker and grittier tone on the songs as well.
I know this is heresy, but MAYH is the one CD I don't have yet. I'm just going to assume it rules given some of the opinions here plus the excellence of the other 6 albums (yes, Damnation too!).
Well, I do love MAYH, but I also love all other Opeth CD's. I don't see how it's soooooooooooooo much better or anything. I think all are masterpieces. It's just as different as each other one. Opinion is what makes it surpass any other pieces. Each album has a different sound and feel. I feel that MAYH has some superb lyrical writings, but I also feel it lacks in other departments (there isn't any really kick ass mellow parts...well, they're great, but not as good as some others). This's my opinion, and to me MAYH is just another different Opeth CD. It's no greater and no worse than any of the other 6 Opeth CD's.
the story is so deep... the riffs are so memorable... the lyrics are beautiful... parts are downright scary... parts are almost even hopeful... and it's all so extremely haunting... there are parts in demon of the fall that are just frightening if you know what's going on in the lyrics and story... the heavy songs are brutal as hell... and the lighter stuff is completely beautiful and melodic.. and yes... mikael's vocals rock the most on MAYH! they're so eerie and present!