Witchburner said:
Does anyone know if " De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas" and "Deathcrush" are the ONLY decent Mayhem albums? I've just heard that none of the albums without Dead and Euronymous are any good.
You've heard wrong... There is no good Mayhem album. Euronymous was a fucking faggot. His songwriting along with his guitar playing were fucking abysmal. Dead sucked too. Hellhammer got to where he can be a decent drummer if he tries hard enough. My old band got to share a bill with them 5-6 years ago, and he was the only one onstage worth watching.
VadimVon said:
You've heard wrong... There is no good Mayhem album. Euronymous was a fucking faggot. His songwriting along with his guitar playing were fucking abysmal. Dead sucked too. Hellhammer got to where he can be a decent drummer if he tries hard enough. My old band got to share a bill with them 5-6 years ago, and he was the only one onstage worth watching.

Actually, Necrobutcher is a very capable bassist and while he is not unique in his ability/style, there are few equals to him. Euronymous, while not abysmal, wasn't that great, but his replacement Blasphemer is an incredible guitarist. I know this from experience, having witnessed Mayhem performing up close and personal.
Fredy_Brown said:
We´re talkin about continues beside Norway, not roots (yes Bathory was first BM).

Venom was first Black Metal band and Mercyful Fate. Also Hellhammer and Celtic Frost are good too. Then came Bathory and that way. No Venom, no Black Metal, no Mayhem, no Darkthrone(and many else band), no life.
DeathsSweetEmbrace said:
Actually, Necrobutcher is a very capable bassist and while he is not unique in his ability/style, there are few equals to him. Euronymous, while not abysmal, wasn't that great, but his replacement Blasphemer is an incredible guitarist. I know this from experience, having witnessed Mayhem performing up close and personal.
I've never claimed to be an expert on Mayhem. I know what I know about them from reading Lords of Chaos. What I saw onstage the night we opened for them really didn't impress me too much. The guitarist was capable, but not outstanding. If you really are under the impression that "there are few equals" to Necrobutcher's mad skills as a bassist then you should consult a physician immediately.:loco: Check out Tyr playing bass on the Emperial Live Ceremony DVD - that is truly impressive black metal bass playing up close and personal(saw it live). All respect to you, black metal fan, but Euronymous' playing did suck. He was a big part of making a name for the black metal genre. Musically speaking, indeed he was abysmal.
VadimVon said:
I've never claimed to be an expert on Mayhem. I know what I know about them from reading Lords of Chaos. What I saw onstage the night we opened for them really didn't impress me too much. The guitarist was capable, but not outstanding. If you really are under the impression that "there are few equals" to Necrobutcher's mad skills as a bassist then you should consult a physician immediately.:loco: Check out Tyr playing bass on the Emperial Live Ceremony DVD - that is truly impressive black metal bass playing up close and personal(saw it live). All respect to you, black metal fan, but Euronymous' playing did suck. He was a big part of making a name for the black metal genre. Musically speaking, indeed he was abysmal.

Okay, if you're going to happen to mention that your band opened for Mayhem, I'll take the bait...who's "your band"?
I listened to DMDS once again, and I must admit, it's bloody amazing, don't know about their other records though
Perdition's Light said:
Okay, if you're going to happen to mention that your band opened for Mayhem, I'll take the bait...who's "your band"?
At the time I was in a band called Wretch. Will provide audio upon request. Pretty decent death/black.
Dodens Grav said:
You said that Black Metal from other countries is not Black Metal previously. Then you changed your mind. I pointed it out.
I said that band from other countries (and new black metal bands) ruin that old black metal concept. That´s it.

Ceremony said:
Mayhem are/was talentless
I don't get the point with this "tr00 raw kvlt black metal \m/" because it just sounds like some talentless kids playing in a garage.
Heh Mayhem is not talentless. Hellhemmers is on of the best metal drummers. Attila one of the best singers. Maniac is very intelligent - look at lyrics. And their music is the best what you can find in Black Metal.
Yes black metal sounds that way...but it´s suppose to sound that way, dude ;)

ProjectedBlack said:
Dude, without Venom there would be no such thing as "Black Metal", they were the biggest contributing factor to new Black Metal bands in the 80's while bands like Celtic Frost and Hellhammer added to that contributing factor.
But that doens´t mean they were the fist black metal band. Death metal has roots in thrash metal...would you call "heavier" thras bands death metal? I don´t think so.

ProjectedBlack said:
Perhaps you should ask some people like Hellhammer, Fenriz, Abbath, etc. where their influences came from and what they consider "Early" Black Metal since, you know, you're already friends with Stiny Plamenu.
Actually I spoke to Hellhammer few months ago, but not about this, shame.

Birkenau said:
Too bad Grand Declaration of War isn't black metal.
Second that.

Der Wolf said:
Venom was first Black Metal band and Mercyful Fate. Also Hellhammer and Celtic Frost are good too. Then came Bathory and that way. No Venom, no Black Metal, no Mayhem, no Darkthrone(and many else band), no life.