I never said it was talentless ffs... you're making assumptions. It isn't nearly as hard to learn how to growl, ESPECIALLY FOR DEATH METAL, than it is to learn how to sing powerful high pitched notes. Jorn Lande for instance, is an amazing singer who has a wide range. You can have a wide range in growling, which does take some extra skill and adds extra flavour to your music, but when it's all the same, in a band like Nile, it gets stale and leads the average person to think 'Hey, this is boring I know ten bands with this sound. Doesn't mean it's not good and doesn't mean you can't listen to it and like it but there are bands out there who put a lot more effort into their music. Necrophagist for instance, he doesn't work too hard on the vocals but the music alone holds it up. When a band does the OMGBRUTAL approach, it will appeal to people and be decent music, a filler band that you could enjoy but that's it.

If you think growling is as hard as singing, then no. I love harsh vocals, and I know that a lot of people can learn to growl. You can't learn to sing. You have to be born that way, I mean voice lessons help but in a way, you need to be born with the ability to sing those notes.

That's cause you suck.

I pictured this in an Arby N the Chief voice... excellent! :lol:

Try growling every night for two straight hours without training for a period of six months. See how fast your voice blows out.
You're not slightly overweight. And you're not a good singer either. Those are just facts man nothing against you. I am not 6 foot, I am not a model. It's just life, deal with it. You can change your weight however, but being in denial won't help. Maybe he was ignorant and it's not his business, that's fine to say but don't play it off like you're only a little overweight.

When I want opinion on my body status, I'll talk to a doctor. OH WAIT! I did. And my doctor says I'm 10 pounds overweight for my height and that I need to exercise more, which I'm already doing kthnxbai.

I'm not a singer, so why would I? I'm not delusional that I ma a good singer and force myself to growl every night to only make moderate gains and still be mediocre at best. Real singers are born that way. Some never even practice or take lessons.
I never said it was talentless ffs... you're making assumptions. It isn't nearly as hard to learn how to growl, ESPECIALLY FOR DEATH METAL, than it is to learn how to sing powerful high pitched notes. Jorn Lande for instance, is an amazing singer who has a wide range. You can have a wide range in growling, which does take some extra skill and adds extra flavour to your music, but when it's all the same, in a band like Nile, it gets stale and leads the average person to think 'Hey, this is boring I know ten bands with this sound. Doesn't mean it's not good and doesn't mean you can't listen to it and like it but there are bands out there who put a lot more effort into their music. Necrophagist for instance, he doesn't work too hard on the vocals but the music alone holds it up. When a band does the OMGBRUTAL approach, it will appeal to people and be decent music, a filler band that you could enjoy but that's it.
I can change quote names toooooo

Also, "filler" means different things to different people, this is what you fail to understand. I'm sure there are tons of people who would consider Turisas, Bodom, Hypocrisy, etc, to be bland music. This just means that they have different tastes than you, not lesser tastes than you. It's best to just leave it at that and move on.

If you think growling is as hard as singing, then no. I love harsh vocals, and I know that a lot of people can learn to growl. You can't learn to sing. You have to be born that way, I mean voice lessons help but in a way, you need to be born with the ability to sing those notes.
Yes, one can learn to sing. Hence, singing lessons. I mean, Matt Barlow needed singing lessons before joining Iced Earth, for example. And look at the amount of vocal ability he has.

I mean, the voice is an instrument just like any other, it can be learned.
When I want opinion on my body status, I'll talk to a doctor. OH WAIT! I did. And my doctor says I'm 10 pounds overweight for my height and that I need to exercise more, which I'm already doing kthnxbai.


Are you fucking kidding me... dude, your doctor would not have said 'You're healthy Chris, only 10 pounds overweight."... Look at yourself. Weight =/= % of Body Fat. Seriously man. It's not my business but I'm just saying, being in such a bad denial is dangerous.
Are you fucking kidding me... dude, your doctor would not have said 'You're healthy Chris, only 10 pounds overweight."... Look at yourself. Weight =/= % of Body Fat. Seriously man. It's not my business but I'm just saying, being in such a bad denial is dangerous.

:lol: So now you can assess body fat percentages by sight? Do you even know what kind of tests need to be performed for that? My doctor didn't say I was healthy, nor did I claim he said that. He said I'm 10 pounds overweight and that I need to exercise more, LIKE I ALREADY SAID.

Also, haven't you ever heard of a little factor called GENETICS?????? My whole family on both sides has weight issues, and I'm lucky enough to have not ended up like my uncle, who is 70 pounds overweight and diabetic.

Bottom line - shut the fuck up about my appearance. I'm not in fucking denial. And until either you look like a supermodel, you're a personal trainer or you're a doctor, don't try to give anyone advice about their health, because you just sound ignorant and vain.
I'm trying to help you man. I saw your fucking stomach in that one picture. I'm not insulting you, but YEAH I can tell that you are more than 10 pounds of fat to lose. I have weight issues myself that I am also working on. When I realized I was overweight, I made a difference, I didn't say to myself... "It's ok, I'm just 10-15-20 lbs overweight"... but whatever man. If you do want help let me know.
A-FUCKING-MEN. Gonzo needs to learn that "slightly overweight" and "morbidly obese" don't mean the same thing. I am fucking 10 pounds overweight for my height, dude. Shut your fucking mouth.

You're not slightly overweight. And you're not a good singer either. Those are just facts man nothing against you. I am not 6 foot, I am not a model. It's just life, deal with it. You can change your weight however, but being in denial won't help. Maybe he was ignorant and it's not his business, that's fine to say but don't play it off like you're only a little overweight.

When I want opinion on my body status, I'll talk to a doctor. OH WAIT! I did. And my doctor says I'm 10 pounds overweight for my height and that I need to exercise more, which I'm already doing kthnxbai.


Are you fucking kidding me... dude, your doctor would not have said 'You're healthy Chris, only 10 pounds overweight."... Look at yourself. Weight =/= % of Body Fat. Seriously man. It's not my business but I'm just saying, being in such a bad denial is dangerous.

:lol: So now you can assess body fat percentages by sight? Do you even know what kind of tests need to be performed for that? My doctor didn't say I was healthy, nor did I claim he said that. He said I'm 10 pounds overweight and that I need to exercise more, LIKE I ALREADY SAID.

Also, haven't you ever heard of a little factor called GENETICS?????? My whole family on both sides has weight issues, and I'm lucky enough to have not ended up like my uncle, who is 70 pounds overweight and diabetic.

Bottom line - shut the fuck up about my appearance. I'm not in fucking denial. And until either you look like a supermodel, you're a personal trainer or you're a doctor, don't try to give anyone advice about their health, because you just sound ignorant and vain.

I'm trying to help you man. I saw your fucking stomach in that one picture. I'm not insulting you, but YEAH I can tell that you are more than 10 pounds of fat to lose. I have weight issues myself that I am also working on. When I realized I was overweight, I made a difference, I didn't say to myself... "It's ok, I'm just 10-15-20 lbs overweight"... but whatever man. If you do want help let me know.

Chris, you're delusional.
This is possibly the most retarded thread I've seen in a month that has such an amount of idiotic posts that I can't even begin to list them.
Fat people are beautiful too.