Hypocrisy = win.

Fetalshitdick Dograper Clan = fail.


Oh, what a skilled edit. Although I wouldn't be surprised if there was a band that was called Fetalshitdick Dograper Clan.

And I think it's obvious that Hypocrisy has no place at this festival because they actually have melody in some of their songs. The most melodic that this festival gets is Keep of Kalessin and Swallow the Sun, and as much as I like both of those bands, I will say that they are horribly out of place with the rest of the lineup. The focus seems to be on brutal/technical death metal. I wouldn't be surprised if Suffocation was announced as the main headlining act.
I'll never forgive you for this :p

There are exceptions to the rule ofcourse! But at most of the metal shows I go to, the worst people, are the deathmetal and thrash fans. They're the ones who show up drunk, level little kids in the mosh pit because they're so omgbrutal and the kid isn't, the ones that lip off to security then cry when the bouncer rips up their ticket and tells them to fuck off, and the ones that scream at the people walking by the line, etc... they generally make ALL metalheads look like fucking idiots.
There are exceptions to the rule ofcourse! But at most of the metal shows I go to, the worst people, are the deathmetal and thrash fans. They're the ones who show up drunk, level little kids in the mosh pit because they're so omgbrutal and the kid isn't, the ones that scream at the people walking by the line, etc... they generally make ALL metalheads look like fucking idiots.

i wonder who the elitest metal head here is?
Not trying to sound arrogant here, but either I'm an exception to that idea or that's just totally wrong.

I for one find writing lyrics about gore, mutilation, murder and rape just as immature and silly as writing fantasy lyrics. Claiming that fans of one metal sub-genre are somehow "better" than others is ridiculous.
Maybe I exaggerated a bit.

I know you think it's cool to listen to music that makes your parents upset, but when you grow up someday maybe you will learn that the music you like, while it can be good, is probably the least entertaining and most likely to start hardcore dancing in the moshpits.
The fans of Grind and the typical underground DM bands you don't like are normally a bit older (if we ignore the typical fashion emos brought by deathcore).

You won't see many very young people at concerts of very extreme music. And you don't need Nasum to upset your parents, normally COB and Hypocrisy does the job aswell.

The whole discussion is amusing because most of us are open-minded and just like to argue. But Gonzo and Joe, note that people like you bring the close-minded attitude into most of these threads.
There are exceptions to the rule ofcourse! But at most of the metal shows I go to, the worst people, are the deathmetal and thrash fans. They're the ones who show up drunk, level little kids in the mosh pit because they're so omgbrutal and the kid isn't, the ones that lip off to security then cry when the bouncer rips up their ticket and tells them to fuck off, and the ones that scream at the people walking by the line, etc... they generally make ALL metalheads look like fucking idiots.

:lol: all the thrash/death gigs I've been to people are really friendly and always respect each other, but I know what you mean, I've experienced that too :p
IT'S CALLED A LINE-UP FFS... setlist = songs played. :Smug:

:lol: hush you

Not I! I am very open minded, as long as it sounds good to me, or is at least a bit innovative/interesting. Even if I don't like the band I can respect it if they make cool music. I listen to all kinds of metal, and all kinds of music. :kickass: Katy Perry!

i know :lol: i was just fuckin with you, but, how can you say that showing up to shows drunk and yelling at people isn't fun? :lol:
Maybe I exaggerated a bit.

The fans of Grind and the typical underground DM bands you don't like are normally a bit older (if we ignore the typical fashion emos brought by deathcore).

You won't see many very young people at concerts of very extreme music. And you don't need Nasum to upset your parents, normally COB and Hypocrisy does the job aswell.

The whole discussion is amusing because most of us are open-minded and just like to argue. But Gonzo and Joe, note that people like you bring the close-minded attitude into most of these threads.

Must be different over there, here it is exactly as I described!

:lol: all the thrash/death gigs I've been to people are really friendly and always respect each other, but I know what you mean, I've experienced that too :p
Must be a culture thing. Here and in America too, it's the opposite! LUCKY BRITS!
i know :lol: i was just fuckin with you, but, how can you say that showing up to shows drunk and yelling at people isn't fun? :lol:
Maybe if you're 15 and you're drunk for the first time? I think it's retarded.