it's called Maryland DEATHfest for a reason - it's supposed to be a death metal festival. Yes, they added some other genres this year, but the primary focus is death metal.
Actually, other than the first year, it's never really been a primarily "death metal" festival. It's always been about booking the best bands in underground/extreme music. I realize most of you are only into the (relatively) mainstream side of metal, so you aren't able to tell the difference/haven't heard most of the bands, but they also book grindcore, goregrind, powerviolence, crust, d-beat, hardcore, black metal, thrash, experimental, etc. bands. It's easily the most diverse underground metal festival in the US.
Among the worst fans of metal. Biggest faggots at shows next to Thrashfags in jean jackets and the folkmetal fags screaming out GREAT ODINS BEARD and drinking from horns. Even if it's not a folk metal show. :Smug:

Fuck you, I am that folkmetal fag :lol:
I never saw one person in warpaint in any Toronto show, before I did at Moonsorrow, and I stick by that. Although Bryan later told me "You were there? I saw some guys in warpaint they looked like idiots."

I was the Thashfag when I was 16 too!

Yeah, but it's called Maryland DEATHfest for a reason - it's supposed to be a death metal festival. Yes, they added some other genres this year, but the primary focus is death metal. It may look like a quantity over quality show, but for death metal fans, it's got a lot of quality.

Yeah, that's my point. For Death Metal fans, it has a lot of quality, but for Death Metal fans only. The adding in of other genres is because of the obvious lack of interest. It seems like a massive waste of energy to me. A full on metal fest is what MANY of us have been wanting for a long time. Although I do like Death Metal, its probably my least liked genre of all metal. It just gets sooooo boring. I know its all about opinion, but had this fest been more than just Death metal, it would actually be fucking huge.
grindcore, goregrind, powerviolence, crust, d-beat

That sounds like the most retarded shit I've ever heard of. Seriously what the fuck. I hate subgenres in general, the complicated names are fucking stupid and unecessary, metal can be classified by either harsh or clean vocals, and if you need to you can usually split it into Thrash, Power, Death, Black, Prog/Avante-Garde, Folk and Melodic metal... most bands fall into that, maybe I missed a few.

Crusty-powerpunkgorecorepowergrind is fucking ridiculous.
Fuck you, I am that folkmetal fag :lol:
I never saw one person in warpaint in any Toronto show, before I did at Moonsorrow, and I stick by that. Although Bryan later told me "You were there? I saw some guys in warpaint they looked like idiots."

I was the Thashfag when I was 16 too!
My point exactly :lol:!

Yeah, that's my point. For Death Metal fans, it has a lot of quality, but for Death Metal fans only. The adding in of other genres is because of the obvious lack of interest. It seems like a massive waste of energy to me. A full on metal fest is what MANY of us have been wanting for a long time. Although I do like Death Metal, its probably my least liked genre of all metal. It just gets sooooo boring. I know its all about opinion, but had this fest been more than just Death metal, it would actually be fucking huge.

Heavy MTL in Montreal is shaping up to be the NA huge metal festival, at least I hope so can't wait for the line-up this year.
I'm sure this will mean nothing to most of you, but if you're into underground shit, here's the festival's past lineups:

Nuclear Assault, Grave, Anaal Nathrakh, Monstrosity, Blood Duster, Martyr, Impaled, Dying Fetus, Macabre, Fuck...I'm Dead, The Day Everything Became Nothing, Disfear, Ghoul, Phobia, Dead, Flesh Parade, Coffins, Gadget, Squash Bowels, Ingrowing, Circle of Dead Children, Engorged, Torsofuck, Defeated Sanity, Hellnation, Japanische Kampfhorspiele, Gruesome Stuff Relish, Behold...the Arctopus, Afgrund, Waco Jesus, Kalibas, Keitzer, Infected Malignity, Trap Them, Skarp, Defeatist, Copremesis, Decrypt

Brutal Truth, Malevolent Creation, Zyklon, Extreme Noise Terror, Vomitory, Dead Infection, General Surgery, Regurgitate, Gut, Cripple Bastards, Ghoul, Retaliation, Gorerotted, Rotten Sound, Birdflesh, Skitsystem, Misery Index, Cock and Ball Torture, Gorod, Odious Mortem, Jigsore Terror, Nunwhore Commando 666, Fuck the Facts, Foetopsy, Flagitious Idiosyncrasy in the Dilapidation, Exhale, Putrescence, Saprogenic

Dismember, Vital Remains, Pungent Stench, Haemorrhage, Necrophagist, Demilich, Cattle Decapitation, Anata, Machetazo, Severe Torture, Unholy Grave, Butcher ABC, Disfear, Rompeprop, Skinless, Gorgasm, Yacoepsae, Municipal Waste, Embalmer, Sayyadina, Alarum, Cliteater, Sanitys Dawn, Mucupurlulent, Catheter, Total Fucking Destruction, Cenotaph, Electro Quarterstaff, Magrudergrind, Quills, Embryonic Cryptopathia

Immolation, Cryptopsy, General Surgery, Regurgitate, Abscess, Impaled, Birdflesh, Rotten Sound, Wormed, Gronibard, Aborted, Pig Destroyer, Misery Index, Leng Tch'e, Ghoul, Lord Gore, Bodies Lay Broken, Splatterhouse, XXX Maniak, Despised Icon, Kill the Client, Ion Dissonance, Guttural Secrete, Magrudergrind, Warscars, Prophecy, Amoebic Dysentery, Screaming Afterbith

Repulsion, Exhumed, Rotten Sound, Macabre, The Red Chord, Leng Tch'e, Pig Destroyer, Phobia, Inhume, Vomit Remnants, Rompeprop, Bile, Arsis, Misery Index, Dehumanized, Profanity, Internal Suffering, Malignancy, Neuraxis, Mortal Decay, Circle of Dead Children, Man Must Die, Brodequin, Fleshtized, Swarm of the Lotus, Brainwash, Bodies in the Gears of the Apparatus, Biolich

Suffocation, Necrophagist, Devourment, Sublime Cadaveric Decomposition, Aborted, Abuse, Severed Savior, Soils of Fate, Dying Fetus, Brodequin, Foetopsy, Drogheda, Saprogenic, Pyrexia, Retch, Circle of Dead Children, Malignancy, Mortal Decay, Commit Suicide, Skinless, Goratory, Internal Bleeding, Incinerate, Nemo, Lust of Decay, Putrid Pile, Wasteform, Psychotogen, Suture, Anoxia, Malamor, Scumbitch, Severed Head, Spinefed, Artery Eruption