Define talent. Please direct me to a section of any of their songs in which I would be impressed by any element of their band (vocals, guitars, drums, etc).
Define talent. Please direct me to a section of any of their songs in which I would be impressed by any element of their band (vocals, guitars, drums, etc).

And since you clearly can't appreciate said talent, the point of that would be what?

@Frank: I'm saying that whether or not Joe likes the bands is irrelevant in determining whether or not they have talent. For example, I despise The Dillinger Escape Plan, but I can still say that they are talented in their genre, and that there are few other bands that do mathcore as well as them. But not everyone can do that, I suppose.
Name for me five bands you like that at least somewhat well-known and I guarantee you that I like them too.

The thing you guys don't get is that I like everything within metal. There literally is no subgenre that I don't like at least one band from. Name a subgenre, and I'll tell you at least one band from it that I like. Just because I have broad-ranging tastes doesn't mean my taste sucks. :Smug:

Arcturus, DHG, Samael, Ulver, Unexpect
The thing you guys don't get is that I like everything within metal. There literally is no subgenre that I don't like at least one band from.
I am the exact same. The difference is, and it's interesting to note... you seem to like bands that me, and everyone else, find generic and boring. That doesn't mean they're not good (I mean outside of opinion) it's just that there is all kinds of BETTER more interesting bands. Why waste your time drinking flat pop when you can have that shit that makes you float from Willy Wonka.

And since you clearly can't appreciate said talent, the point of that would be what?

I can listen objectively and identify whether or not a drum beat or guitar section is intricate/innovative or boring and stale.
Arguing about which band is best in the thread is like trying to prove who's best in the special Olympics.

No offense to disabled people, but I can't say the same about those bands :lol:.
In my opinion, these bands, the ones I've listened to anyways, are the worse things in metal. Generic music, AWFUL ROWRROWRROWR vocals. I can't imagine anything worse. At least generic powermetal, which is also pretty bad, still requires actual vocal talent. Again, it's just my opinion. Maybe when I was 13 and I thoguht OMG METAL IS THE BEST SHIT FUCK EVERYONE I'M SO HARDCORE I might have enjoyed this shit, but even then it would have been a stretch. I love all kinds of metal, even death metal. But it has to require talent. And all the bands you listed Chris, I youtubed then and they were pretty fucking generic and goddamn horrendous.

The thing you guys don't get is that I like everything within metal. There literally is no subgenre that I don't like at least one band from. Name a subgenre, and I'll tell you at least one band from it that I like. Just because I have broad-ranging tastes doesn't mean my taste sucks. :Smug:

It can be said if you like everything, you don't like anything.

The set has some good bands, but there is a lot of shit. You can tell they were just grabbing every bm/dm band they could, to do (as someone already mentioned) a quantity over quality show.

The fest is focused in on one area of metal, they over saturated it with shit. Had they tried to make a well rounded festival, where they didn't try to grab the shit bands, they probably could have come out with an actual North American Wacken type show.
My Dong Reach is Global, my boner secure, my cock is noble, my penor is pure.
I can stretch out a million vaginas, Or let'em all die in exasperation
Hymens all healed of their lacerations, Have'em all thrilled by ass invasion.
It can be said if you like everything, you don't like anything.

The set has some good bands, but there is a lot of shit. You can tell they were just grabbing every bm/dm band they could, to do (as someone already mentioned) a quantity over quality show.

The fest is focused in on one area of metal, they over saturated it with shit. Had they tried to make a well rounded festival, where they didn't try to grab the shit bands, they probably could have come out with an actual North American Wacken type show.

Yeah, but it's called Maryland DEATHfest for a reason - it's supposed to be a death metal festival. Yes, they added some other genres this year, but the primary focus is death metal. It may look like a quantity over quality show, but for death metal fans, it's got a lot of quality.
Yeah, but it's called Maryland DEATHfest for a reason - it's supposed to be a death metal festival. Yes, they added some other genres this year, but the primary focus is death metal. It may look like a quantity over quality show, but for death metal fans, it's got a lot of quality.

Among the worst fans of metal. Biggest faggots at shows next to Thrashfags in jean jackets and the folkmetal fags screaming out GREAT ODINS BEARD and drinking from horns. Even if it's not a folk metal show. :Smug:
Yeah, but it's called Maryland DEATHfest for a reason - it's supposed to be a death metal festival. Yes, they added some other genres this year, but the primary focus is death metal. It may look like a quantity over quality show, but for death metal fans, it's got a lot of quality.

I'm a death metal fan, but I disagree.:p

Among the worst fans of metal. Biggest faggots at shows next to Thrashfags in jean jackets and the folkmetal fags screaming out GREAT ODINS BEARD and drinking from horns. Even if it's not a folk metal show. :Smug:

Fuck you:lol:
Man I fucking love MDF
