
I wonder if these are blue contact lenses.

Btw, this thread is called "Let's talk about random shit part II" now.
Lol@the fan discussion. Death metal fans are mostly the cocolest guys, because they are not so full of their true-metal-we-are-superior-over-normal-people attitude. I'm a fan of Blind Guardian, but if you see a Blind Guardian patch on a bag, you can be 99% sure that the guy is a fag or a loser who wasn't accepted by his school mates and escaped into the world of metal and RPGs where everyone hugs everyone no matter how much of a stupid fuckface you are.

Actually, I have one of those. A BG dogtag too.

Am I gay or a RPG playing loser (though I don't think that people that play online games are losers)? No.

I was just looking for a reaction :(. Besides, my 70 Paladion of Damaging has a white armor that slays draogons, no way I am a loser! (wat?)
Wall of fucking text approaching, because I'm bored and have nothing to do right now. :lol:

In my opinion, these bands, the ones I've listened to anyways, are the worse things in metal. Generic music, AWFUL ROWRROWRROWR vocals. I can't imagine anything worse. At least generic powermetal, which is also pretty bad, still requires actual vocal talent. Again, it's just my opinion. Maybe when I was 13 and I thoguht OMG METAL IS THE BEST SHIT FUCK EVERYONE I'M SO HARDCORE I might have enjoyed this shit, but even then it would have been a stretch. I love all kinds of metal, even death metal. But it has to require talent. And all the bands you listed Chris, I youtubed then and they were pretty fucking generic and goddamn horrendous.

I know I'm a few pages late, but I gotta respond to this.

Holy fuck Joe, I knew you (and Gonzo) were ignorant and close-minded, but damn.

It actually requires a lot of talent/control in order to pull off a convincing growl. Factor in that one must be able to perform them without damaging their voice, and that makes it even tougher. You may not view those kind of harsh vocals as such, but it is a singing style, as good or valid as clean vocals. Don't dismiss it as "talentless", merely because you don't enjoy that specific category of vocals.

Among the worst fans of metal. Biggest faggots at shows next to Thrashfags in jean jackets and the folkmetal fags screaming out GREAT ODINS BEARD and drinking from horns. Even if it's not a folk metal show. :Smug:
Holy shit Batman, generalizations FTL!

And never mind the fact that the way the fans act are no reflection on the quality of the music.

Fuck off, all of you. Underground doesn't mean it's better, also focusing on one genre at a festival is fail. Your ignorance knows no bounds if you just said MDF and this OEM festival are the best in Europe. I know you think it's cool to listen to music that makes your parents upset, but when you grow up someday maybe you will learn that the music you like, while it can be good, is probably the least entertaining and most likely to start hardcore dancing in the moshpits. But it's all opinion in the end, some like chocolate, some like vanilla, others like bacon grease. YES I'M LOOKING AT YOU CHRIS.

For example:

Hypocrisy = win.

Fetalshitdick Dograper Clan = fail.

I love how you preach that this is all your opinion, yet I constantly see you belittling the musical tastes of others, and trying to make it seem like your favorite bands are somehow more talented and more relevant, musically, than others.

Seriously, just shut the fuck up. You're acting retarded.

In b4 the inevitable "lolololol JFAC" shit that Joe seems to think will invalidate my point.
Well aruged point, yet a excellent clean singer has more 'musical' ability than a excellent harsh vocalist - it does take talent to do a decent growl or scream, as well as being able to sustain it, but it takes a lot more to do the same with clean vocals. Oh and JFAC sucks :p
Wall of fucking text approaching, because I'm bored and have nothing to do right now. :lol:

I know I'm a few pages late, but I gotta respond to this.

Holy fuck Joe, I knew you (and Gonzo) were ignorant and close-minded, but damn.

It actually requires a lot of talent/control in order to pull off a convincing growl. Factor in that one must be able to perform them without damaging their voice, and that makes it even tougher. You may not view those kind of harsh vocals as such, but it is a singing style, as good or valid as clean vocals. Don't dismiss it as "talentless", merely because you don't enjoy that specific category of vocals.

I love how you preach that this is all your opinion, yet I constantly see you belittling the musical tastes of others, and trying to make it seem like your favorite bands are somehow more talented and more relevant, musically, than others.

Seriously, just shut the fuck up. You're acting retarded.

In b4 the inevitable "lolololol JFAC" shit that Joe seems to think will invalidate my point.

wow, thank you dude

as for growling being just as valid as "clean" vocals, for those who don't growl, it's true. i've been working on growling for 2 1/2 years and i'm just now reaching the point to where i'm satisfied with my vocals
Well aruged point, yet a excellent clean singer has more 'musical' ability than a excellent harsh vocalist - it does take talent to do a decent growl or scream, as well as being able to sustain it, but it takes a lot more to do the same with clean vocals. Oh and JFAC sucks :p

This is true, I admit that. But I'm just saying, that dismissing the vocal style as talentless, is pretty retarded.

Also, JFAC (or, at least their Doom EP) are a fun listen. They're nowhere near my favorite band, but they're good deathcore. :p
Gonzo needs to shut the fuck up :mad:

A-FUCKING-MEN. Gonzo needs to learn that "slightly overweight" and "morbidly obese" don't mean the same thing. I am fucking 10 pounds overweight for my height, dude. Shut your fucking mouth.

Wall of fucking text approaching, because I'm bored and have nothing to do right now. :lol:

I know I'm a few pages late, but I gotta respond to this.

Holy fuck Joe, I knew you (and Gonzo) were ignorant and close-minded, but damn.

It actually requires a lot of talent/control in order to pull off a convincing growl. Factor in that one must be able to perform them without damaging their voice, and that makes it even tougher. You may not view those kind of harsh vocals as such, but it is a singing style, as good or valid as clean vocals. Don't dismiss it as "talentless", merely because you don't enjoy that specific category of vocals.

Holy shit Batman, generalizations FTL!

And never mind the fact that the way the fans act are no reflection on the quality of the music.

I love how you preach that this is all your opinion, yet I constantly see you belittling the musical tastes of others, and trying to make it seem like your favorite bands are somehow more talented and more relevant, musically, than others.

Seriously, just shut the fuck up. You're acting retarded.

In b4 the inevitable "lolololol JFAC" shit that Joe seems to think will invalidate my point.

Extremely well-argued point. Of course, they're just going to be all "OMG YOU DISAGREED WITH ME BAAAAAAAAAAAW" so no one will actually bother to pay attention to it, but still, thank you for bringing it up.

Also, JFAC (or, at least their Doom EP) are a fun listen. They're nowhere near my favorite band, but they're good deathcore. :p

I agree. JFAC are an okay band. They're not great, and they don't deserve all the hype they get, but they're enjoyable every once in a while.
Holy fuck Joe, I knew you (and Gonzo) were ignorant and close-minded, but damn.

It actually requires a lot of talent/control in order to pull off a convincing growl. Factor in that one must be able to perform them without damaging their voice, and that makes it even tougher. You may not view those kind of harsh vocals as such, but it is a singing style, as good or valid as clean vocals. Don't dismiss it as "talentless", merely because you don't enjoy that specific category of vocals.

I never said it was talentless ffs... you're making assumptions. It isn't nearly as hard to learn how to growl, ESPECIALLY FOR DEATH METAL, than it is to learn how to sing powerful high pitched notes. Jorn Lande for instance, is an amazing singer who has a wide range. You can have a wide range in growling, which does take some extra skill and adds extra flavour to your music, but when it's all the same, in a band like Nile, it gets stale and leads the average person to think 'Hey, this is boring I know ten bands with this sound. Doesn't mean it's not good and doesn't mean you can't listen to it and like it but there are bands out there who put a lot more effort into their music. Necrophagist for instance, he doesn't work too hard on the vocals but the music alone holds it up. When a band does the OMGBRUTAL approach, it will appeal to people and be decent music, a filler band that you could enjoy but that's it.

If you think growling is as hard as singing, then no. I love harsh vocals, and I know that a lot of people can learn to growl. You can't learn to sing. You have to be born that way, I mean voice lessons help but in a way, you need to be born with the ability to sing those notes.

as for growling being just as valid as "clean" vocals, for those who don't growl, it's true. i've been working on growling for 2 1/2 years and i'm just now reaching the point to where i'm satisfied with my vocals

That's cause you suck.




I pictured this in an Arby N the Chief voice... excellent! :lol:
A-FUCKING-MEN. Gonzo needs to learn that "slightly overweight" and "morbidly obese" don't mean the same thing. I am fucking 10 pounds overweight for my height, dude. Shut your fucking mouth.
You're not slightly overweight. And you're not a good singer either. Those are just facts man nothing against you. I am not 6 foot, I am not a model. It's just life, deal with it. You can change your weight however, but being in denial won't help. Maybe he was ignorant and it's not his business, that's fine to say but don't play it off like you're only a little overweight.

Extremely well-argued point. Of course, they're just going to be all "OMG YOU DISAGREED WITH ME BAAAAAAAAAAAW" so no one will actually bother to pay attention to it, but still, thank you for bringing it up. And I agree, JFAC are an okay band. They're not great, and they don't deserve all the hype they get, but they're enjoyable every once in a while.

That is my point and the problem. These bands are just ok. With all the music that is released, all the new bands, why waste your time and money on just an OK band. Give your attention to the bands that deserve it.