Mechanical Poet - Trace of the Dead Leaf

I don't think you really want to get this Tony. It's just the rough demo prewiews of the 'Essence' songs.
The release date is still a military secret. :Spin: I guess Emi will announce it in a few days.
Lex said:
I don't think you really want to get this Tony. It's just the rough demo prewiews of the 'Essence' songs.
The release date is still a military secret. :Spin: I guess Emi will announce it in a few days.
It would be cool to hear the songs in the transition phase before they were released. :p Anyway as far as the new album goes, we have ways of extracting military secrets here. :loco:

Cheers, Tony
well, it's not a secret that the new album "Woodland Prattlers" will come out in 2 different version... the special edition will feature the entire "Handmade Essence" EP as bonus material. more news in the coming weeks.
Emi said:
well, it's not a secret that the new album "Woodland Prattlers" will come out in 2 different version... the special edition will feature the entire "Handmade Essence" EP as bonus material. more news in the coming weeks.
Can't wait for that...will need to pickup the "special edition" version! :)
warmwetos said:
Well there's your problem, should have gone with Federal Express!!! :loco:

Everything could be OK if FedEx had some impute department, here in Moscow. :tickled: DHL is the most advanced post in Russia. Emi could have had our master if he'd been at his place in 16:58 when carrier-boy tried to do his work :wave: (deliver the package). But he decided to do somth' more important. =) Don't worry DHL did their work in time...
I was at my place at 16.58... I waited the whole afternoon watching the street... :) the problem is that the carrier-boy decided to sleep or go home instead of delivering the package...