Meet alexi on gigantour question? About autograph!


New Metal Member
Apr 21, 2007
Hey guys, I was wondering if any of you knew where the guys go before the show or after I really want to get my guitar signed by alexi (its a esp Alexi Laiho model... but custom shop :p Its left handed!!!) And this is for the 29th in montreal I would like any info or tips :) Ty Sorry for my bad english!:headbang:
u need to go by the subway, drive a round around the whole city, and then u just act liek every other fanboi, hysterically screaming "AMg plz Al3ck C, sign me geetAr"
that's exactly what ur gonna do to get ur guit signed
Perhaps you'd get a more enthusiastic response here

From other experiences, waiting on the side of the arena, where the parking is (for the tour buses) could work. There's no guaranteeing it though, since there will be five bands. Most bands just drive right through without even looking at the people who have been waiting 2, 3 even 6 hours. I remember that friends waited until 4am to get an autograph from Evanescence and they didn't even bother to stop. Just my 2 cents.

u need to go by the subway, drive a round around the whole city, and then u just act liek every other fanboi, hysterically screaming "AMg plz Al3ck C, sign me geetAr"
that's exactly what ur gonna do to get ur guit signed

In Atlanta I heard Alexi was asleep right up until it was time to go on then went write back to sleep right after they were done and wouldn't sign any autographs on the way back to the bus. so GOOD luck.
You would probably get mugged and someone would steal your guitar while you are looking for him...bringing such a expensive guitar is almost dangerous.:lol::lol::lol:
if he wants to sleep?
i don't see any problems in that behaviour:lol:
Alexi needs his beauty sleep. He doesn't have time to sign your left-handed fanboy guitar. But seriously, do you really plan on lugging your guitar to a show? Wait until they have a CD signing or something.
he's just a human being. if he's bugged ,he might behave like an asshole, but who cares.
still if fans ask for a autograph you don;t just ginore them

Then they'd never be able to do anything, cos there's always who wants an autograph or whatever. If he wants to sleep I find it perfectly normal just to avoid the fan stuff. I wouldn't like it if I was amonsgt the people waiting for it but I would understand it, he's a human beeing, and if he is tired he has the right to sleep, he's not fans' pet and is not suposed to do everything fans want. Nort even in the headlining tours but lot less in a tour where the big boy is Mustaine and where he's 2nd support.
Philly had an offdate and it was at my venue(I work there). Good luck dude. Alexi was up and around a lot throughout the day but he was bitchy and really uptight. After the show he vanished onto the bus. Don't keep your hopes up.
and that will be easy cause the best bars are just right next to the bell center :rofl: in montreal, well the bars i would go if i was a boy :rofl:

It was a great show over there at Montreal eh? I was there too.

Wow, you live in.... wwait..... Cinidi?:lol: oh yeah! Canada!
i was lucky enough to meet them at the palladium for new england metalfest Alexi Hennka and roope did a esp signing they are pretty chill and awesome
I got a somewhat related question, I was gonna start a new thread but I dont wanna clutter the board so ill just kinda revive this thread here...

Im gonna be seeing Bodom tomorrow (as in Saturday) in Tokyo. Theres a pretty high chance that the band will come to the bar that I am a regular at here in Tokyo as they have in the past. Many famous metal bands have come to this bar. I very much hate the annoying fanboy type that swarms bands and acts like some groveling fool when the band just wants to chill out and enjoy some beer. As a result, most of the time when a band comes to this place (for example, Helloween, Firehouse, Avantasia have been there while I was there, just to name a few) I tend to just act as if they are anyone else at the bar and just talk to them if it comes up naturally.

So my question is for anyone who has met Bodom in person, how are they about talking with fans? I was thinking of maybe bringing a CD or something for them to sign, but I dont wanna annoy them. If I was to ask them to sign a CD, from peoples personal experiences, how are they about this? Its not so important to me where Id wanna actually annoy them or be a bother, so I figured id just see if anyone had any personal insight.

So my question is for anyone who has met Bodom in person, how are they about talking with fans? I was thinking of maybe bringing a CD or something for them to sign, but I dont wanna annoy them. If I was to ask them to sign a CD, from peoples personal experiences, how are they about this? Its not so important to me where Id wanna actually annoy them or be a bother, so I figured id just see if anyone had any personal insight.


In my experience they have always been really nice and friendly and I have never got feeling that they would be annoyed when asking to sing CD.