Megadeth Tour...

I can only pray that Nevermore is somewhere in the middle of that lineup, and that I can get reasonably hammered enough to ignore Dream Theater before Megadeth comes on. Thank god they're planning on "only" charging about $35.
Dream Theater and DEP on the same tour? Someone must be building ice sculptures in hell right now. I'm most assuredly going, and I agree with Jim's statement. As for the Fear Factory bashing, while I'll admit to having enjoyed Demanufacture when it came out, it's their only album that has done anything for me. NAD saying that Meshuggah has surpassed FF is the understatement of the year so far.
DEP is pretty widely known as the most insane band in the world when playing live. I'm actually being serious. And anybody that isn't amazed by their technicality live is just gay.

That whole line up would rule, though. I saw Megadeth on their last real tour, and they kicked ass.
J. said:
I'm kinda wondering that, too. I think people automatically lump them in with crap bands since FF was on Roadrunner before they went to Nickelback and Slipknot. Or maybe since the had one misstep with Digimortal, people assume the worst. Maybe some of the anti-FF people can tell us.

I love Obsolete, and Demanufacture is essential to any self-respecting metal listener.

because i saw them live and it was one of the lamest things ever
Still doesn't mean anything. SOme bands have an off-night. Big deal. Still doesn't scratch the fact that Demanufacture meant more to metal than 90% of those thrash bands you spew about.
All of the bands on this tour released shit for their latest albums. Dream Theater hasn't had a good album in 10 years, and Megadeth hasn't had a good album in 15 years.
One Inch Man said:
That's you, JayK, and Zod. J. is somewhere around the corner rocking out to Fear Factory like any sensible person does.:loco:
LOL. I'm quite sure I'll get into Fear Factory live. I've just never heard anything by them that hooked me. Any recommendations?

In regard to the Nevermore/Fear Factory comparison, I can only see it if the only Nevermore CD you've heard is "Dead Heart". There's a good deal of similarities between it and "Archetype". Granted, "Dead Heart" is a thousand times better.

As for Meshuggah and Nevermore, Nevermore wins huge. Only stupid people don't agree.:loco:

NAD... you need to check out "Dreaming Neon Black" and "The Towers of Avarice" by Zero Hour. Both are BUY or DIE releases.

Dead_Lioness said:
Iced Earth without Barlow is just a random dark heavy metal to me.
Barlow is my favorite vocalist of all-time. I was sure I was going to hate IE without him. However, I must admit, "The Glorious Burden" is a fantastic CD. Had Barlow sang on it, it would probably be Top 5 all-time for me. That being said, Tim does a great job on it. However, it does have a much less original sound without Barlow's voice.

ProgMetalFan said:
All of the bands on this tour released shit for their latest albums. Dream Theater hasn't had a good album in 10 years, and Megadeth hasn't had a good album in 15 years.

That is SO SO wrong.

"The System Has Failed" is an OUTSTANDING comeback record. If you're saying it's not as good as Rust in Peace, let me just shoot you in the bollocks now.

Re: Iced Earth - the "Gettysburg" trilogy is PHENOMENAL. Easily some of their best work to date.

People are just way too quick to dismiss, I find it impossible to believe that any fan of Megadeth or IE of old wouldn't be amazed at songs like "Blackmail the Universe", "Kick the Chair", or "The Devil to Pay". The only logic to that would be that you weren't really into the bands to begin with.
I'm not really amazed by those songs even if one of them has the best Deth riff since at least the first half of Youthanasia, just relieved that they still have it in them...the only time Nevermore has really reminded me of FF would be the lead riff on Narcosynthesis, and then in "they wish they could be this good" kind of way.
Lioness: I'm expecting DT to get pelted with debris, but at least we won't have to sit through The Spirit Carries On again. :)
There is nothing on Youthanasia that has riffs like that. Countdown to Extinction maybe ("High Speed Dirt" comes to mind and even then maybe), but otherwise Youthanasia is full of "beginners only" riffs. "The Killing Road" is almost laughable.

The best thing to come out of Youthanasia was "Reckoning Day" and Friedman's guitar solo on "Family Tree".

The riffs to "Blackmail the Universe" and "Kick the Chair" are pure wizardry.
Demonspell said:
...the only time Nevermore has really reminded me of FF would be the lead riff on Narcosynthesis, and then in "they wish they could be this good" kind of way.
Quite honestly, I'm stunned anyone would think Fear Factory is better than Nevermore. But hey, there are people around here who don't recognize that Blut Aus Nord sucks donkeys.
