fuck Ozzfest, Gigantour is coming...

Yngvai X said:
Eh, I feel like whatever CoB is going to do next is going to be a big load of shit. The fact that they went on tour with Fear Factory and Lamb of God, wrote a song like Knuckleduster, and have been gaining a steady crowd of metalcore mallgoths has got my expectations lowered for their next album.

I totally agree
Yngvai X said:
don't reply to my posts. It hurts my eyes and brain.
I don't think they're gonna sell out and become just another metalcore band...
Countless bands have put out garbage tracks... Knuckleduster is not that great of a song, but it doesn't mean that the band will go down... Also, I don't believe touring with bands like Fear Factory and Lamb of God will bring em down either... Lamb of God is a VERY good band if you wanna know... Don't say anything until you see them live, instead try to actually give them a chance... Megadeth, Dream Theater and Nevermore are about to tour with Fear Factory... And you're not saying that they will sell out...
Yngvai X said:
Eh, I feel like whatever CoB is going to do next is going to be a big load of shit. The fact that they went on tour with Fear Factory and Lamb of God, wrote a song like Knuckleduster, and have been gaining a steady crowd of metalcore mallgoths has got my expectations lowered for their next album.

Agreed, I know :OMG:
It is possible for someone who would ordinarily pay $35 or more to see Dream Theater alone to not want to go to this concert on account of really hating the other bands who are playing. Being forced to listen to music that one hates sucks but at high volumes it can be torture (and in most venues, one can't get away from it while one is there). I am not saying that I hate any of these bands. On the contrary, besides Dream Theater being my fourth favorite band, I like Megadeth and have most of their earlier albums, Fear Factory has a handful of songs that I like and I have one of their albums (and I certainly wouldn't mind seeing them as I already did on their Obsolete tour), and while I never could get into Nevermore I certainly don't hate them. Dillinger Escape Plan is the only band that I haven't heard. With that said, I can understand someone really hating one of these bands to the point of not even being able to tolerate them and not going to the concert for that reason. There are certainly bands who would have this effect on me.
Ninkasi said:
It is possible for someone who would ordinarily pay $35 or more to see Dream Theater alone to not want to go to this concert on account of really hating the other bands who are playing. Being forced to listen to music that one hates sucks but at high volumes it can be torture (and in most venues, one can't get away from it while one is there). I am not saying that I hate any of these bands. On the contrary, besides Dream Theater being my fourth favorite band, I like Megadeth and have most of their earlier albums, Fear Factory has a handful of songs that I like and I have one of their albums (and I certainly wouldn't mind seeing them as I already did on their Obsolete tour), and while I never could get into Nevermore I certainly don't hate them. Dillinger Escape Plan is the only band that I haven't heard. With that said, I can understand someone really hating one of these bands to the point of not even being able to tolerate them and not going to the concert for that reason. There are certainly bands who would have this effect on me.

I don't think so... As a matter of fact, I find that to be pretty stupid... If you hate one of the bands, simply walk away from the stage (go to the lobby or go get something to eat or whatever) during their set. Or, if it comes to this, make sure you get there after the band you hate plays, OR leave right before it (if you don't wanna see any other ones afterwards).
CoB on tour with DT would be interesting. Maybe Laiho would finally wake up and realize how awesome DT is by experiencing them live.
DementiaGuitar said:
CoB on tour with DT would be interesting. Maybe Laiho would finally wake up and realize how awesome DT is by experiencing them live.

LOL! I forgot about that interview!

I'll amend that prediction.... DT and CoB will NEVER tour together.
CoB would be cool on the 2nd stage but I was kind of hoping maybe for another old school thrash band like Exodus, Anthrax with their Among the Living lineup or the Testament reunion lineup. I doubt the bands would play for more then 30 to 45 minutes on their, but i guess that depends on what time this whole thing will start. I am personally looking forward to DT, Megadeth, Nevermore. I saw Fear Factory live and was not very impressed with them but I do like a couple of their older cd's so I will most likely give them a 2nd chance and not head to the food area.
Pellaz said:
LOL! I forgot about that interview!

I'll amend that prediction.... DT and CoB will NEVER tour together.

Would someone link me to the interview or tell me what he said? I'd be interested to see what he had to say........as most of the regular criticisms of Dream Theater I've seen would sound kind of stupid coming from him.....
Alexi Laiho said "There are lots of guitar players out there who play super fast and super well--but they're also super lame. Like Dream Theater" in a Guitar World magazine.
Hah.......I bet he hasn't really heard any Dream Theater.

I guess he thinks his "d minor in every single song" is so much better than anything John Petrucci has done......really, someone's full of themselves.
Mustaine announced today that he has a list of about 40 possible second stage bands and 5 are going to be the bill. DT and MD each get 90 min, FF 45, DEP and NM get 30 min. He also said that he is trying to get like an after hours party with like the bands chillin' with fans and have local bands play then.